Page 19 - Cornice_Grade 6
P. 19

Eightfold paths is having the correct understanding,
          thought, speech, action, livelihood, mindfulness, and
          concentration. We can use these Eightfold paths and
          grow one step closer to achieving the goal.

          How did Siddhartha stop from reincarnating again?
          Buddha achieved the goal that he was aiming for which
          would be Nirvana. Nirvana is when you can die by
          will or know when you die. If you achieved Nirvana
          you are able to understand what your previous life was
          like. Siddhartha found his previous life when he was
          meditating. Siddhartha had not known he had achieved
          Nirvana so he lay down surrounded by his followers
          at the age of around eighty trying to give away his life
          while his followers prayed to him. After Siddhartha
          died, he did not reincarnate, but became the seventh
          Buddha known as “Siddhartha Gautam Buddha.”
                                        by Yeshe Vajra Sherpa

                                            The Powerful Pharaohs of Egypt

                                            As ancient Egyptian rulers, pharaohs were both the heads of state and
                                            the religious leaders of their people. The word “pharaoh” means “Great
                                            House,” a reference to the palace where the pharaoh resides. While early
                                            Egyptian rulers were called “kings,” over time, the name “pharaoh”
                                            was popular. As the religious leader of the Egyptians, the pharaoh was
                                            considered the divine intermediary between the gods and Egyptians.
                                            Maintaining religious harmony and participating in ceremonies were
                                            part of the pharaoh’s role as the head of the religion.

          As a statesman, the pharaoh made laws, waged war, collected taxes, and oversaw all the land in Egypt
          (which was owned by the pharaoh). Pharaohs were typically male, although there were some noteworthy
          female leaders, like Hatshepsut and Cleopatra. Hatshepsut, in particular, was a successful ruler, but many
          inscriptions and monuments about her were destroyed after her death perhaps to stop future women from
          becoming pharaohs. After their deaths, many pharaohs were entombed and surrounded by riches they could
          use in the afterlife. Explorers and archaeologists have discovered these tombs and learned a great deal about
          ancient Egyptian society from them. When a pharaoh died, they would be buried in a pyramid. Before
          proceeding into heaven, the heart would be weighed with the feather of truth. If the heart was heavier
          than the feather, the heart was filled with greed so that the pharaoh could not enter heaven and would face
          annihilation from the Egyptian god Ammit. If the weight was equal to each other, the pharaoh could go to
          heaven. The pyramid was also shaped like a pyramid because it is said that when a pharaoh dies then they
          would go to join Re (The sun god) from the stairway to heaven.

          The Pharaohs of the New Kingdom had a great impact on Ancient Egypt. They also had a lasting impact in
          our modern world. Remains of this time period still stand today. The grandiosity of the Pharaohs reigns has
          lasted through thousands of years and much change. It is important to understand history to appreciate the
                                                                                            by Abheek Pradhan

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