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Egyptian God - Osiris
Osiris is the God of agriculture, vegetation, fertility, life, the dead, and
resurrection in Ancient Egyptian religion. Osiris was depicted as a god
with green skin. Images of Osiris show him with a pharaoh’s beard,
holding a crook and flail, and wearing an Atef crown. The most popular
myth about Osiris starts when Seth, one of Osiris’s brothers, holds an
extravagant feast. This wasn’t any normal feast because Seth planned
to murder Osiris during the feast. Seth wanted to replace Osiris as the
Pharaoh, which is why he wanted to kill Osiris. Seth announced a game,
he told everyone to get in a chest one by one and whoever fits in the chest
perfectly could keep it. All the guests got in the chest but no one except
Osiris could fit in. When Osiris was inside the chest, Seth closed the chest
and sealed it shut. Seth threw the chest into the Nile River.
The coffin drifted out to sea for many days before reaching Byblos. In
Byblos, a tree grew around the coffin which caused the tree to get a divine
aura. The king of Byblos noticed this tree, cut it down, and brought it back to his palace. Isis was determined
to find Osiris. Isis and Nephtys took the shape of falcons and started looking for the coffin behind Seth’s
back. While they were searching some children told them it had gone towards Byblos. Isis created a new
disguise and started nursing the baby prince. One day she relieved herself and demanded the tree Osiris was
inside. When she cut the tree open Osiris was dead. She took the dead body back to Egypt and hid him in
a swamp.
While she was gone, Seth found Osiris’s body. He cut it up into small pieces and scattered it all over
Egypt. Isis started looking for Osiris’s body parts. One by one she found all of them except one. The
piece she had not found was eaten by a fish. Isis held a funeral for every part she found. Working with
the parts she had, Isis reconstructed Osiris. Osiris was incomplete without the missing piece. Due to
the fact that he was incomplete, he could not return as the ruler of Egypt or remain among the living.
This is why Osiris rules Duat, The realm of the dead.
by Saanvika Rizal
Egyptian God-Sobek
Sobek is an Egyptian god who has a crocodile head. He was the ruler of Egypt from 640 AD to 300 BC
until the Romans took over. He is known as ‘The crocodile head god’. He ruled over crocodiles at that
time. Egyptians believe that he is the creator of the river Nile. He had the head of a crocodile, a giant
mount filled with white sharp teeth, with eyes glistening with green mucus. He was about 6 feet tall, his
long black hair reached his shoulders and had sharp horns in the head.
Some people say that Sobek created order in the universe and the world when he arose from the “Dark
water”. Sobek had pharaonic powers. He had the power to protect the danger created by the river Nile flood.
Sobek had the power to protect the pharaoh from the evils. He was brave and aided in fertility, war and
military. The Egyptians believed that Sobek was one who kept the world in order. His weakness was that he
has a soft underbelly that makes him tough to fight. Sobek’s enemy is known as Horus and he is also one of
the gods of Egypt. Sobek was the most popular god in crocodilopolis in Greek and he was considered as the
god of crocodiles. He has 2,500 mummified crocodiles in the Nile and he was worshiped in the 12th dynasty.
As Sobek was the creator of the Nile, he was given all the work to control the water. Sobek was a crocodile
headed God who was worshiped from the old kingdom until the middle kingdom.
Sobek was considered the lord of Feiyu which is a place in Egypt. Sobek has spread the cult to 52 cities which
are across Egypt. Sobek is a war god who was given the responsibility to protect the pharaohs from evil.
Many Egyptians respected him then, and in the present, he is a world renown god.
by Arnav Suryabanshi
Source: Wikipedia, Britannica and Ancient Greece Book