Page 17 - Cornice_Grade 6
P. 17

Start of Dengue

          For two whole years we had been in lockdown due  Dengue seems harmless at fi rst but it has many
          to the coronavirus. Before covid was found, dengue  diff erent symptoms. Th  e most common symptoms
          was still around. At that time, it wasn’t a big deal  are fever, nausea (Vomiting), rashes, aches and pains.
          since it happened from time to time. Nowadays,  Th  is disease can also harm our liver and brain. Th  ey
          Dengue has been spreading like crazy. People have  are the common organs involved in Dengue. You can
          recovered from the disease but that doesn’t stop them  oft en feel very tired, weak and lazy as well. It can be
          from getting it again. When we leave our house, we  hard for you to do even simple daily tasks which you
          must make sure to be aware of our surroundings.  do everyday. Th  ere is no vaccine or cure for Dengue.
          Mosquito repellents are kept almost everywhere like  To  recover  you  would  just  need  to  quarantine

          offices, homes and classrooms. Before leaving for  yourselves and take care of your physical health. You
          school we would make sure to put on any repellent  would just have to wait until the infection is gone.
          just in case.
                                                              Everyday in the hospital lots of patients infected
          Dengue, which is also known as Denge, has been  with Dengue who would be taken care of until the
          spreading  rapidly  around  the  country.  It  is  not  infection is gone. As more people came in to admit
          deadly but it can give you a lot of pain. Places with  the infected person, there was no more room for
          many bushes and trees have many mosquitos lurking  those  people,  and the  doctors  would  suggest  just
          around. Even if you sit down outside for a while, you  resting at home. To avoid getting Dengue we need to

          will find at least one mosquito bite on your skin.  stay healthy and use mosquito repellent.
                                                                                          by Rivah Manandhar

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