Page 13 - Cornice_Grade 6
P. 13

The Rainforest Rescue                                                                        SHORT

          It was a clear sunny morning in the Amazon  The Waterfall was a 10-meter drop to cer-
          rainforest. That morning, Emma and her  tainly cause death to anything that would fall
          siblings were to be taken out by the water-  from it. Since their mother was underwater,
          front for the very first time. Emma was told  Emma took one last look at her 13 siblings
          all her life “Emma you’re an Anaconda, you  possibly for the last time, and dove under-
          have to be ferocious, cunning, and brave”.  water. It was murky; she could barely tell be-
          But Emma wasn’t any of those things nor did  tween the sand on the bottom and the water
          she want to be. Unlike her siblings, she pre-  but Emma kept going. Eventually, she felt the
          ferred to be shy, quiet, and normally didn’t  current growing stronger. She lifted her head
          like the taste of meat so her mother decided  to see Luna clinging to the very tip of a boul-
          today was going to be the day where she will  der but her grip was slowly slipping. Emma
          taste her first bite of fresh, newly caught fish.  looked  around  frantically  for  something
                                                      that could help her. She spotted a long twisty
          They soon reached. The water was a lovely  branch and reached for it. After grabbing it,
          shade of sap green but still quite murky.  she started shoving it between the two rocks
          “You  can  all  jump  in  little  ones  but  don’t  connecting herself to her sister. Slowly, she
          drift too far!” Emma’s mother
          sa id. Emma’s over-enthusiastic
          siblings had already jumped
          headfirst into the water. Emma
          sighed, her siblings were a bit
          much at times, but then she
          slowly  slipped into  the  wa-
          ter followed quickly by her
          mother. When Emma’s moth-
          er re-surfaced she did a head
          count  “12…..13….14,  Wait,
          only fourteen? Who’s miss-
          ing? Is it Sally? Sally, are you
          here?”. “Yup. Right here mom.”
          a  voice  behind  Emma  replied.
          “Who is missing?” Emma’s
          mother asked in a clearly wor-
          ried voice. “It’s Luna” replied
          a small frightened little voice
          whom Emma understood was
          her  little  sister  Malory.  “Oh!
          Luna- has anyone seen her?”
          Fear struck in all their hearts. But Emma’s  started slithering across the branch to where
          mother had just dove underwater, not able  Lune was grasping the boulder. Emma ex-
          to hear that screech. It was true that Luna  tended her tail down and yanked it with all
          was over-enthusiastic about everything, she  her might. Then the two snakes swam for
          was the oldest out of all of them but she was  their lives. Their mother and siblings were
          also very kind to all her little siblings and  frantically looking for them. Nobody could
          was  well-loved among  the  group.  Then  an  believe what Emma had done, and well nei-
          ear-piercing screech was heard and from the  ther could she. On her way home from the
          looks on her sibling’s faces, she knew what  pond she realized that she didn’t have to be
          they were all thinking “That was Luna and  like her siblings. She was herself and that’s
          we all know what’s in that direction.       what she should be.
                                                                              by Dipashna Karki

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