P. 22

Drainage & Piped Services Standard Specification
Version 2014-1

1.2.39 Sub-Letting

             The Contractor is to only be permitted to use those Sub Contractors who were
             previously named on the tender summary unless the express permission of the PM is
             sought and received in writing.

1.2.40 Method Statements

             The Contractor is to provide method statements of all working procedures which are to
             be submitted to the PM for comments at least 1 week before work is programmed to
             be carried out. The Contractor must allow at least 5 days for comments to be returned
             and must include for any actions from the comments. Method statements shall need to
             incorporate all other Contractor requirements.

1.2.41 Existing Services

             Before isolating or connecting into any existing services the approval of the PM/User is
             to be obtained.

             The period of notice required before such isolation or connection takes place is to be
             ascertained from the PM/User. Once the works associated with the existing services
             has commenced and the services interrupted, work must proceed without pause until
             the services are restored.

             The Contractor is to ascertain from the PM/User which, if any, "permit to work"
             systems are in operation, and is to follow in total all such systems.

             The location of existing services within the site is not accurately known and the
             Contractor is to be responsible for establishing the precise location of all services and
             drains within the area of the work to be executed. The Contractor is to protect,
             maintain, uphold and reinstate any damage caused by water pipes, electricity, voice
             and data cables, drains and the like exposed during the execution of the works.

             Where existing or part complete services need to be cleaned down and re-filled, the
             Contractor is to allow for any necessary dosing or water treatment to match the
             existing water qualities.

1.2.42 Details of Material, Goods, Plant & Equipment Delivered To Site

             The Contractor shall retain records on site for all goods, materials, plant or equipment
             delivered to site during the course of the project.

1.2.43 Protection & Cleaning Of Materials & Contract Works

             The Contractor is to include in his Tender for taking all necessary precautions to protect
             materials, goods, plant and equipment from damage and theft during the execution of
             the contract works and is to be liable for such damage and theft.

             Goods are to be ordered with protective packaging where applicable and these are to
             be maintained in their position as long as possible.

             The Contractor is to provide full protection for all Contractors' equipment, plant,
             motors and materials, fixed or unfixed, to prevent mechanical damage, ingress of dirt,
             dust and/or moisture. Precautions must be taken and all protection provided to
             safeguard the contract works during frosts and inclement weather.

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