P. 23

Drainage & Piped Services Standard Specification
Version 2014-1

             All goods, plant, equipment and materials are to be adequately maintained in
             accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations by the Contractor prior to
             Practical Completion.

             Any item damaged due to non-compliance with this requirement is to be replaced by
             the Contractor at his own expense.

             The Contractor is to thoroughly clean out the interior of each item or section of the
             contract works and plant immediately after execution of any work on that item or
             section to the satisfaction of the Project Manager.

             The Contractor is to thoroughly clean down the Contract Works in an approved manner
             prior to Practical Completion and ensure that the Contract installation, including all
             plant is free from dust, dirt, moisture and other foreign matter.

1.2.44 Execution of the Contract Works

             The Contractor is to include for, supply, delivery to site, unloading, sorting, hoisting,
             distributing, installing, fixing complete, setting to work, testing and commissioning,
             proving the performance of the works and instruction of the Clients staff all as detailed
             in the Tender documents and Contract Preliminaries.

             The Contractor is not to vary the Contract Works without the written permission of the
             Project Manager and is to carry out and complete the Contract Works in every respect
             to the satisfaction of the Project Manager.

             The Contractor is to proceed regularly and diligently with the Contract Works and take
             all necessary measures to ensure that delays do not occur.

             The Contractor must not sub-contract any part of the Contract Works without prior
             acceptance by the Project Manager except as otherwise described in this document.

             The Contractor is to take due notice of the assumed contract period detailed in the
             main contract documents

             It is a condition precedent to the submission of his Tender and entry into a formal
             Contract, that the Contractor is to undertake the works strictly in accordance with the
             Contractor's requirements as to progress, periods of execution of the Contract Works
             and completion of such Contract Works, taking due notice of all site requirements.

1.2.45 Protection Against Legionnaires Disease

             Adequate protection to all water installations should be incorporated by the Contractor
             to cover the event of Legionnaires Disease as recommended by the CIBSE Technical
             Memorandum TM13 "Minimising the Risk of Legionnaires Disease" - 1991, and
             guidance note GN03 1993 - Legionnaires, interpretation of HSC Approved Code of

1.2.46 Subsequent Failure of The Contract Works

             If the Contract Works are maintained by the Employer in accordance with the
             Contractor's maintenance manual and directives and the Contract Works subsequently
             fail within the period of defects liability then the Contractor is to identify the reason for
             failure whether it is latent or otherwise.

             The Contractor is to rectify the defect within a reasonable time agreed with the Client
             and or store manager together with making good all damage resulting from defect at

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