P. 25
Drainage & Piped Services Standard Specification
Version 2014-1
equipment are adequate in size, (bearing in mind future access requirements for
maintenance) for the equipment they are intended to house.
The Contractor is to allow to take receipt of other contractor’s information and attend
meetings as necessary for the purpose of co-ordination, both in terms of design and
The Contractor is to be responsible for the accurate establishment of the mounting
height and finite location, in relation to the equipment served and the location of other
services, of all accessories or equipment forming part of the installation and is to
produce detailed, co-ordinated installation drawings where necessary as requested by
other members of the design/construct team.
The Contractor is to include for all works described in addendums issued subsequently,
as complementary documents to this specification, during the tender period. Each
addendum is to have a reference and the Contractor is to clearly identify all the
addendums received during the tender period and included within the tender figure.
The works are to be installed to facilitate inspection, cleaning and repairs and for
operation in which safety and continuity of service is to be the first consideration. All
apparatus is to be designed to ensure satisfactory operation under the atmospheric
conditions prevailing and under such variations of load as may be met under working
conditions on the system.
The installation is to incorporate every reasonable precaution and provision for the
safety of all those concerned in the operation and maintenance of the works and
associated works supplied by others. The Contractor is to provide a Risk Assessment of
the proposed installation.
All design work is to be carried out under the direct control of suitably qualified and
experienced personnel.
The Contractor is to produce detailed schedules of all equipment proposed for use
within the works for comment by the Project Manager.
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