Page 4 - LINK - Workflow - B3937-AEW-XX-XX-R-A-001
P. 4

DOMINO’S PIZZA GROUP                                                                                                                               AEW ARCHITECTS


       During 2013, DPG commissioned a review of their new store opening processes by an   Stage 2         Where required, Stage 2 seeks Local Authority consent for the required use
       external consultant. A result of this consultation is the current workflow as set out below.  class.
                                                                                       Stage 3 + 4   Grouped together for the purposes of this report, Stages 3 + 4 cover
       The workflow is broken down into 6 main sections:                                          the production of detailed design information, submission of a Building
       NSC            Due diligence work undertaken by DPG’s internal team prior to any new       Regulations application and further Local Authority consents such as
                store being confirmed. This is solely an in house process.                        Advertisement, Listed Building and the like.
       Stage 1      Following approval of a new store by NSC this stage obtains accurate surveys   Stage 5         Once all approvals are in place, a pre-start meeting is held and the
                of the site and works through the design process until a franchisee confirms      contractor mobilises to start the construction phase.
                acceptance of the store layout.

                  TASK / WEEK                                  1      2      3      4       5      6      7      8      9      10     11     12     13     14                   15     16     17     18     19     20     21     22      23     24     25     26     27     28     29     30     31     32     33     34      35     36

       STAGE 1    Measured survey
                  Feasibility scheme
                  Site briefing meeting
                  Updated prelim and briefing minutes
                  Franchisee approval
       STAGE 2    Production of change of use information
                  LPA COU application (av 10 weeks)
       STAGE      Shopfitting drawings
       3 & 4      Building regulations application
                  Advertisement application
                  LPA advertisement application (av 10 weeks)
                  ‘Other’ applications (listed building)
                  LPA ‘other’ application (av 10 weeks)
                  Condition discharge
                  LPA ‘condition discharge’ (no fixed timescale)
       STAGE 5    Pre start meeting
                  Start on site
                                                         NSC   STAGE 1: 6 WEEKS                          STAGE 2: 12 WEEKS
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9