Page 8 - LINK - Workflow - B3937-AEW-XX-XX-R-A-001
P. 8

DOMINO’S PIZZA GROUP                                                                                                                               AEW ARCHITECTS


       The next approach to the workflow would be to overlap Stage 2 with Stages 3 + 4   This would provide the confidence of development and sign off of a new store layout
       following the successful completion of Stage 1 as demonstrated below. Stage 5 would   for the Franchisee, but shorten the overall timescale by running all of the required LPA
       continue to run sequentially after successful completion of Stages 2, 3 + 4 as before.  applications concurrently. The limitation of this process is that any discharge of condition
                                                                                       applications which may be required cannot be completed until the original approval is
                                                                                       in place.

                  TASK / WEEK                                  1      2      3      4       5      6      7      8      9      10     11     12     13     14                   15     16     17     18     19     20     21     22      23     24     25     26     27     28     29     30     31     32     33     34      35     36

       STAGE 1    Measured survey
                  Feasibility scheme
                  Site briefing meeting
                  Updated prelim and briefing minutes
                  Franchisee approval

       STAGE 2    Production of change of use information
                  LPA COU application (av 10 weeks)

       STAGE      Shopfitting drawings
       3 & 4      Building regulations application
                  Advertisement application
                  LPA advertisement application (av 10 weeks)
                  ‘Other’ applications (listed building)
                  LPA ‘other’ application (av 10 weeks)
                  Condition discharge
                  LPA ‘condition discharge’ (no fixed timescale)

       STAGE 5    Pre start meeting
                  Start on site
                                                         NSC   STAGE 1: 6 WEEKS                          STAGE 2: 12 WEEKS
                                                                                                         STAGE 3 + 4: 14 WEEKS

       8                                                                                                         STAGE 2 / 3 + 4 OVERLAP
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13