Page 5 - LINK - Workflow - B3937-AEW-XX-XX-R-A-001
P. 5

DOMINO’S PIZZA GROUP                                                                                                                               AEW ARCHITECTS

       The workflow is intentionally sequential in order to minimise any exposure to risk of   Where sites do not require change of use, Stage 2 is not required and Stage 3 + 4 can
       aborted work. Each individual step is reliant on its predecessors being in place.  immediately follow Stage 1. In such circumstances the model workflow is reduced to 24
                                                                                       weeks from the beginning of Stage 1 to the start on site date.
       The model workflow has a 36 week timescale from the beginning of Stage 1 to the start
       on site date.

 TASK / WEEK  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32    33     34     35     36

 STAGE 1  Measured survey
 Feasibility scheme
 Site briefing meeting
 Updated prelim and briefing minutes
 Franchisee approval
 STAGE 2  Production of change of use information
 LPA COU application (av 10 weeks)
 STAGE   Shopfitting drawings
 3 & 4  Building regulations application
 Advertisement application
 LPA advertisement application (av 10 weeks)
 ‘Other’ applications (listed building)
 LPA ‘other’ application (av 10 weeks)
 Condition discharge
 LPA ‘condition discharge’ (no fixed timescale)
 STAGE 5  Pre start meeting
 Start on site
                                    STAGE 3 + 4: 14 WEEKS                                                                              STAGE 5: 4 WEEKS
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10