Page 6 - LINK - Workflow - B3937-AEW-XX-XX-R-A-001
P. 6

DOMINO’S PIZZA GROUP                                                                                                                               AEW ARCHITECTS


       In order to make a significant impact to the overall new store opening timescale, then   This would allow earlier submission of any change of use application required to the LPA
       the sequential nature of the process needs to be examined. Foreshortening the workflow   and save 4 weeks from the current workflow resulting in a 32 week process.
       will incur additional risk of aborted time, effort and cost to DPG and the Franchisees.
       Considering a hierarchical approach of risk vs time saving, the next approach to the
       workflow would be to overlap Stages 1 and 2 as demonstrated below. Stages 3 + 4 and
       Stage 5 would continue to run sequentially following successful completion of Stage 2.

                  TASK / WEEK                                  1      2      3      4       5      6      7      8      9      10     11     12     13     14                   15     16     17     18     19     20     21     22      23     24     25     26     27     28     29     30     31     32     33     34      35     36

       STAGE 1    Measured survey
                  Feasibility scheme
                  Site briefing meeting
                  Updated prelim and briefing minutes
                  Franchisee approval
       STAGE 2    Production of change of use information
                  LPA COU application (av 10 weeks)
       STAGE      Shopfitting drawings
       3 & 4      Building regulations application
                  Advertisement application
                  LPA advertisement application (av 10 weeks)
                  ‘Other’ applications (listed building)
                  LPA ‘other’ application (av 10 weeks)
                  Condition discharge
                  LPA ‘condition discharge’ (no fixed timescale)
       STAGE 5    Pre start meeting
                  Start on site
                                                         NSC   STAGE 1: 6 WEEKS  STAGE 2: 12 WEEKS
                                                                                  STAGE 1 / 2 OVERLAP
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11