Page 281 - CRS Engineering
P. 281

Annexure 11
                                            r,rnfnrma for snhmissioTi of RAT inspection report
                                               description                                  REMARKS
                       S  NO
                                          General PiiiUculai s of RAT
                                                                             Mapakshi Komati cheruvu
                            Name of the Tank
                            Tank ID No.
                                                                             Mapakshi(v) Chittoor(M)
                            Name ofthe village &mandal
                            Latitude & Longitude
                                                                             529 KM 25 / 6-7
                            Affected Railway Bridge &KM
                            Railway •^^rtinn &between sections
                                                 to weir(alongthecourse ofNallah)
                                         <;i...n,l!ird llvdiaulie partieulars
                            Catchment Area
                            rapacity ofthe Tank                              5.23 Mcft.
                            Lowest bed level
                                                                        (M)  335.68
                            FullTank Level (FTL)
                                     Water Level(MWL)                   (M)  336.28
                             Danger Level (DL)
                                                                       (M)   336.59
                             Top of Bund Level (TBL)
                                                                       (M)   3.00
                             Top width of bund
                                                                             front 1.5:l&rear2:l
                             Side slopes
                             Area of submergence at FTL
                         11  Areaofsubmergence at MWL
                         12 Afe there any tanks inthe catchment ofthis tank
                             Are thereany tanksalsoclassified as RATs?
                             Names & Details of these Tanks
                                                Surplus weir
                             No of surplus wehs                               2Nos
                             Lenghtsofsurplus weirs                   (M)     13.40 M & 38.70 M
                             Type of surplus weirs                            be weir&Pavedbyew/ash
                             Design Discharge                                 805.89 cusec
                          IV                       Sluice
                             No of sluices                                    1.00
                             Location of sluices
                             Maximum Design Discharge
                             Functional or not                                closed
                             A) Inspection Details
                              . Date of Inspection                            10-02-2020
                             2. Name& Designation of Inspecting Officials     1.Sri G.Prasanth AEE, Irrigation Section Cliittoor (M)
                                                                              2. SriP.Prathapa Reddy, DEE, ISD CTR
                                                                              3.SriM.N.Krishnappa, ADEN/Pakala
                                                                              4. SriV.DhamuRaju,SSE/PWAY, Chittoor

                              3. If the tank qualify for classificationas RAT  Yes
                              B)Tank Bund
                              1.Is thetoplevel ofbunduniform andasperthestandards  Yes
                              2. Is the top width of the bund as per the standards  Yes
                              3. Are the slopes as per standards              Yes
                              4. Any Dngerous gullies scource ofthe bund      No
                              C)Surplus Weir
                              1. Condition                                    Requires repairs
                              2. Is the lengthadequate forDesignDischarge     Yes
                              3. Is danger level marked?
                              D) Condition of sluices                         closed
                              E) Any pasthistory ofbreach ofthe tankandifsodetails?  No
                         REMARKS: Surplus weir to be repaired

                                Execut^/e Engineer                      Engineer
                       Irifigation Section,Chittoor.       Sab DJvlgion,CRrrTOOP .          Divi.            -n
                                                                                               s.c. Rail.«y
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