Page 282 - CRS Engineering
P. 282
Aiinexure II
inspection report
1 Gcncriil Pnrtlculiirs oFKAT
1 Name of the Tank Vu>7ala Chintala Cheruvu
CHCm 004000PAK
2 Tank ID No.
2 District
3 Name of the village & mandal Mapakshi(V) CHITTOOR (M)
4 Latitude & Longitude 13''-07'-30"&79°-07'-50"
5 Affected Railway Bridge & KM 529 KM 25 / 27-29
6 Railway Section & between sections Chittoor - Siddampalle
Distance from Railway Bridge to wcir(along thecoursc of Nallah)
Standard Hydniulic particiiliirs
1 Catchment Area 5.31
2 Capacity of the Tank 2.61 Mcft.
3 Lowest bed level 334.73
4 Full Tank Level (FTL) (M) 348.08
5 Maximum Water Level(MWL) (M) 348.95
6 Danger Level (DL) 348.95
Topof Bund Level (TBL) (M) 349.86
Top widthof bund (M) 3.00
9 Side slopes front 1.5:l&rear2:l
10 Area of submergence at FTL
11 Area ofsubmergence at MWL
12 Are there any tanks in the catchment of this tank 2 Nos
13 Aje there any tanks also classified as RATs? No
14 Names & Details of these Tanks
III Surplus wcir
1 No of surplus weirs 2 Nos
2 Lenghts of surplus weirs (M) 44.65 & 22.10
3 Type of surplus weirs BC weir &Byewash
4 Design Discharge 807 cusecs
IV Sluice
1 No of sluices 1 No
2 Location of sluices
3 Maximum Design Discharge
4 Functional or not closed
V A) Inspection Details
1. Date of Inspection 10-02-2020
2. Name & Designation of InspectingOfficials 1.SriG.Prasanth AEE, Irrigation SectionChittoor(M)
2.Sri P.Pratliapa Reddy, DEE, ISO aR
3.Sri M.N.Krisiinappa, ADEN/Pal<ala
4.Sri V.Dhamu Raju, SSE/PWAY, Chittoor
3. If the tank qualifyforclassification as RAT Yes
B)Tank Bund
1. Is the top level of bund uniform and as per the standards No
2. Is the top width of the bund as per the standards Yes
3. Are the slopes as per standards Yes
4. Any Dangerous gullies source of the bund No
C) Surplus Weir
1. Condition Natural escape
2. Is the length adequate for Design Discharge Yes
3. Is danger level marked?
D)Condition of sluices closed
E) Anypast history of breach of the tank and if so details? No
REMARKS: Surplus weir work restoration required
As-istarft •fexecu^^r^S'gTneef Engineer
Irrigation Section,Chittoor. DivisJon.CHlTTOOK
S.C. Railway