Page 39 - 关中腾飞校讯4.0
P. 39

Example 8:
                 Name: Casslyn Leong Khai Wen                 Class : S3S1

                 Title: Should children and adolescents be discouraged from having social media accounts?

                       Social media is the best way to stay in touch with people around the world. Moreover,
                social  media  connects  people  all  around  the  world  and  not  just  only  in  birth  country.  As
                technology is developing day by day, more and more social media platforms are seen in the
                internet.  Most  children  and  adolescents  use  social  media  to  meet  new  friends  or  people.
                However, how can one know whether their children of adolescents are using the social media in
                a right way. Thus, the topic that I will be discussing today is should children and adolescents be
                discouraged from having social media accounts?

                           In my opinion, I think that children and adolescents should be discouraged from having
                social media accounts. Teenagers these days use social networks widely and it has been a part
                of their daily activities. The social media that are often accessed by children are Facebook,
                Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and other social media platforms. These platforms will cause risk
                to children if they access the internet under age. For example, the minimal age of Facebook is
                18. This age was decided to protect children younger then 13 from unhealthy contents such as
                adult-themed and violent scenes in the web. Therefore, falsifying age has become a common
                practice by some parents and preadolescents. But this action actually risks the safety of their
                children. It exposes their children to the web at an early age when they are not mentally grown.

                        Besides, children should be discouraged to have social media accounts at a young age
                because the internet includes different types of users. Sexual hackers, scammers, identity thieves
                and hackers who exploit social media to trick unsuspecting users like children. Just imagine that
                your 13-year old daughter might be speaking to someone who claims to be a 13-year old girl.
                But who is, in reality, an adult male. This is a lot easier to fake online that it is face-to-face, so
                your daughter may develop trust towards a person online who they would be wary of in person.
                It’s important that children don’t mention their privacy online that will allow hackers to find
                them. Information such as name of the city, their address, the school they attend and their identity
                card number. This information might be extremely important to the hacker to track you down.

                       Next,  children  involved  in  social  media  at  an  early  age  might  get  themselves  into
                cyberbullying  and  online  harassment.  Children  tend  to  overshare  in  inappropriate  and  risky
                ways. For example, a 10 year old boy was punished by his teacher because he didn’t finish his
                homework. He was being emotionally vulnerable and this so called friend on the web appear
                and consoles him. This is a scenario that is often seen in the society, kids tend to chat with
                strangers. They somehow learn vulgar words in the web. These vulgar words will eventually
                bring a bad effect to children as they don’t have the ability to judge what is right and what is
                wrong. Thus, they might think that these words are not a big deal at all and start using these
                words in their daily life. Just imagine a 10 year old using the four letter word talking to an adult,
                how rude is that. That children’s reputation will be ruined if he uses the four letter word in his
                daily life.

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