Page 38 - 关中腾飞校讯4.0
P. 38

Example 7:

                 Name:   Lee Xin Ting         Class: J21

                 Titile : Scariest moment in my life

                         There was an old abandoned school located right behind my current school that my dad
                    used to go to when he was young several years ago. But for some reasons, the students moved to

                   the new school building and they were not allowed to go to the old school building because it was

                   said to be dangerous.

                         There  are  lots  of  rumors  about  the  old  school  building  that  I  heard  from  my  friends.
                  Someone has seen a person hung himself on the fan before. Sometimes they have seen a woman
                  standing at a corner of the classroom with her hair covering her face. But my friend and I refused
                 to believe in those kinds of rumors, thinking that they are just hallucinating over those kinds of

                         Till the day of our graduation, I and my friend decided to go there. When both of us went
                 to the old school building at almost 8pm, the sky was already dark. It made things even spookier
                  and scarier. We  were a bit scared at that time as we kept thinking of rumors that have been
                  mentioned by our friends. But we were so curious about the old school building, so we had decided
                  to go in.
                         The two of us were carrying flashlights in our bag pack. We were almost sure that there
                  are no people near the surroundings because there is always a guard who will guard nearby the
                  area. After that, we easily entered the classroom as the doors were already damaged. We peeped
                  from the classroom’s window, ensuring that there is no one in it. However, to our surprise, most
                  of the classrooms still have things like desks, chairs, pencils, and some written papers.

                         The two of us were so amazed by the things that were still there. Both of us looked closely
                 at the things that remained in each class. As time passed by, our adventures in the old school
                  building were still on-going. The main building has two floors. We started from the first floor,
                  inside there was still the same things as the other classes, nothing special. So, we decided to go to
                  the second floor. Unfortunately, they locked it up.
                         The lock was rusty, so we decided to break it with a rock. The lock broke and we went
                  upstairs. At that time, we were scared of our lives as it was already midnight. After minutes of
                  tipping our toes, we reached the corridor of the second floor. We went into the classrooms. Inside,
                  it was still the same. When we were about to go out of the building, we suddenly heard a child
                 crying. Towards our left side, we heard a female laughing loudly. We were so shocked that our
                 souls almost came out from our bodies! Our heart skipped a beat!

                         Things became scarier that time, the laughter and cry sounds became louder. It’s like it
                  was getting closer and closer to us. We decided to go out of the building and planned to go to the
                  basketball court nearby. While we slowly walked down the stairs, there were some noises in the
                  classroom. None of us dared to look back and just kept on walking down the stairs.

                         When we finally reached the end of the stairs, the two of us dashed to the basketball
                 court. When we reached the basketball court, our friend told us what had happened there. She
                  said that someone was trying to mimic a child’s laugh but instead made him cry and she started
               初三自尊 陈志鸿 (图书馆管理员)
                  laughing loudly and the people there also started to laugh along.
                         My friend and I never told anyone about what had happened at that time and kept
                  it a secret. That time was scary to me, till now I still get haunted by what I have witnessed
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