Page 37 - 关中腾飞校讯4.0
P. 37

Example 6:

                 Name:  Tong Wei Hong                Class : S2C1
                  Titile : The advantages of online classes

                           It is been a while since the world is struggling in this Covid-19 pandemic During the

                  pandemic, online classes is the only alternative for students to study and continue learning.

                 It is a whole lot of new experiences for students to study online.

                             Needless to say, most importantly we can replay the video of online classes. Students

                 can also take notes and study after the class if they were absent. This would definitely favour
                 the student and they will not miss learning for that day. Apart from that they can choose a
                  better environment to study comfortably at their convenience.
                            In addition students can practise self- learning skills and how to use time meaningfully
                 and effectively. They can also learn to manage their time- table independently and adjust

                 their time accordingly because they are staying at home. Hence they can stay safe and prevent
                 themselves from Covit-19  infection by studying online.
                          On the contrary students may encounter some difficulties and setbacks during online
                  classes. It is quite normal for them to face bad internet connections, disturbing noises coming
                  from nowhere and some funny situations. What’s so funny? For an instance, a classmate of
                 mine forgot to turn off his microphone and he was singing his favourite song. It was so

                         In  a  nutshell  our  path  of  learning  would  not  stop  and  will  not  be  stopped  by  the
                  pandemic. I wish the pandemic would get better and better by the day and life will be back
                  to normal  very soon so that we can get back  to school and continue the pursuit  of learning

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