Page 6 - 2022 Administrators Final Program
P. 6
behind listing/delisting procedures and policies that suppliers have found to be easily understood and helpful through the
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Control State Warehouse Solutions Three Rivers - William Penn Level
Co-Moderators: Reed Davis - Luxco
Lynn Walding - Diageo
Speakers: Ron DeVries - Ruan Transportation
Mark F. Dunham - Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority
Steve Marks - Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission
While some Control States operate at the retail tier, all operate, manage or oversee the wholesale distribution of spirits in
their markets. That responsibility, however, has been particularly challenging in recent years as supply chain
constraints, coupled with unprecedented growth in the spirits industry, have greatly taxed the existing Control State
infrastructure. Some States have made significant investments in their operations in recent years, while others have
relied on past expansion and, in some instances, are in dire need of an upgrade. This session will examine the current
state of Control State warehouses and will make the business case justifying policymakers’ investment in warehouse
improvements. After all, Control States not only contribute significant funds to the various State general funds, but they
are also the lynchpin to a vibrant entertainment and hospitality industry within their markets.
Risky Drinking: Compliance Tools to Intervene Lawrence Welk - Mezzanine Level
Moderator: Skyler W. Genest - Vermont Department of Liquor and Lottery
Speakers: Eileen Delehanty, MPH - University of Minnesota
Tom Dixon - Washington State Liquor & Cannabis Board, Enforcement & Education Division
Brandon King - Vermont Department of Liquor and Lottery
Recent reports suggest alcohol impaired fatalities and alcohol-induced ER admissions are on a steep incline while
emerging beverage alcohol service paradigms continue to expand. In response, alcohol regulatory and enforcement
agencies are deploying new and refining old techniques to identify locations that may contribute to high-risk drinking
resulting in increased criminal activity, injury, and death. This session will highlight the renewed relevancy of the Place
of Last Drink (POLD) enforcement model, demonstrate lessons learned from agencies that were early adopters of the
model and discuss ways to implement an effective POLD program with leadership support and ways to overcome budget
constraints and implementation challenges.
Taking the “Green” Initiative Bob & Dolores Hope - Mezzanine Level
Moderator: Lorraine Terry, B.S. - Ohio Division of Liquor Control
Speakers: Nicole Milsap, PMP - E & J Gallo Winery
Julia Oudeh - Ontario: Liquor Control Board
Many industry members and control systems are playing lead roles in Private and Public initiatives to improve our
environment. Examples of such efforts include glass recycling, reducing the carbon footprint, and reforestation efforts.
Panelists will discuss specific initiatives, partnering with suppliers, local businesses and solid waste/recycling businesses,
the unique platform control states have to raise awareness of programs, the challenges of developing such programs and
ultimately the value to our communities, respective organizations, and each of us individuals.