Page 2 - P4277.5-V3-Operational_Excellence_Booklet_[Digital]
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Operational Excellence Guide


    Dear colleagues,                        The guide is designed to:
    We are pleased to provide you           make daily tasks easier and
    with an updated Rowlands                expectations clearer; make sure
    Operational Excellence Guide.           your branch is compliant with
                                            various standards and regulations;
    Its primary purpose is to provide       and allow colleagues working
    you with a blueprint for consistent,    between branches to easily hit
    best practice within our shops. It’s    the ground running. You’ll see that
    a big challenge as our branches         we have included images from
    operate in different countries          both our standard stores and the
    with different contracts. We are        newly refitted shops. However, the
    located in communities large            principles remain the same.
    and small. Some are community-
    based or attached to medical            I want everyone to be familiar with
    centres, and some have been             this guide and own it. Regardless
    with Rowlands for decades, while        of role, we are all accountable
    others are newer to the family.         for the success of our branches,
                                            Rowlands as a whole, and
    Community pharmacy has also             community pharmacy in the UK.
    changed. Patients walking through
    the doors expect, and need,             Thank you for your commitment
    more services and personalised          to making our branches the best
    time from us. The days of simply        that they can be.
    dispensing are over.

                                            Kind regards,

                                            Senior Leadership Team

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