Page 46 - PUI Handbook 8-21
P. 46
Pay Periods and Paydays
Employees are paid biweekly. The paycheck will include all
hours worked in the previous two weeks’ pay period. A work week is
from 12:01 am Sunday through 11:59 pm Saturday. All employees are
paid by direct deposit. If the regular payday falls on a Company
holiday, employees will be paid on the last business day before the
Nonexempt employees will be paid in accordance with
federal and North Dakota state law.
In North Dakota, with some exceptions, the standard work week for
employees should not exceed 40 hours per week. Should the Company
find it necessary to employ an employee in excess of this standard,
overtime hours shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half
times the regular rate of pay.
All overtime work by non-exempt employees must be authorized in
advance by their Project Manager. Only hours actually worked will be
used to calculate overtime pay. Full, part time, and seasonal employees
will be paid overtime in accordance with the Federal and North Dakota
State Law.
When the company is closed for holidays, employees may be
asked to be on-call in the case of a customer emergency. Employees
who are on call on the designated holiday and called out to work will
be paid time and a half for their on-call hours.
Meal Periods and Rest
All rest and meal periods will be in accordance with North
Dakota state law. Nonexempt employees will be provided a 30-minute
unpaid meal period every shift over five hours. You may choose to
take your break in between jobs. If for any reason an individual is
unable to take an uninterrupted 30-minute meal break, the break will
be paid. Please contact your supervisor or the General Manager if you
have concerns regarding the meal break or if you require uninterrupted
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