Page 55 - PUI Handbook 8-21
P. 55
Third occurrence Written warning
Fourth occurrence Written warning, final notice
Fifth occurrence Termination
Occurrences of Tardiness in Disciplinary Action
Six Month Period
Two occurrences Documented verbal warning
Third occurrence Written Warning
Fourth occurrence Written warning, final notice
Fifth occurrence Termination
This discipline policy does not negate the “employment at will” policy.
When a worksite is located more than 51 miles from Bismarck
and is shut down because of weather or other unforeseen
circumstances, employees will be put on standby notice. They are
expected to return to the hotel until they receive word from the Project
Manager to return to the worksite. Employees will not be paid their
hourly wage while they are at the hotel on standby; however, they will
receive per diem and paid lodging. If an employee requests to travel
away from the hotel while on standby, they must have prior approval
from their Project Manager. They will not be paid travel time in this
situation. Standby ends only when the Project Manager directs
employees to return home because the worksite will be shut down for
an extended period or for other circumstances.
Not reporting to work and not calling to report the absence is
a no-call/no-show and is a serious matter, creating increased
administrative burdens and emotional upset. The first instance of a no-
call/no-show will result in a final written warning. The second separate
offense may result in termination of employment with no additional
disciplinary steps. Any no-call/no-show lasting three days is
considered job abandonment and will result in immediate termination
of employment.
If the employee has already begun the step discipline process for
attendance/punctuality when a no-call/no-show occurs, the
disciplinary process may be accelerated to the final step.
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