Page 53 - PUI Handbook 8-21
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However, we recognize that our employees may occasionally need to
take unpaid leave to care for a new child, to care for a seriously ill
family member, to handle an employee’s own medical issues, or to
handle issues relating to a family member’s military service, possible
including caring for a family member who is injured while serving in
the military.
If you anticipate that you might need time off to deal with family and
medical issues, please speak with your supervisor. We will consider
every written request on a case-by-case basis.
Absences and Tardiness
Prescheduled times away from work using accrued PTO days
(where available) are not considered occurrences for the purpose of this
“Absence” is defined as the failure of an employee to report for work
when he or she is scheduled to work. The two types of absences are
defined below:
Excused absence occurs when all the following conditions are met:
• The employee provides to his or her Project Manager at least
48 hours in advance of the absence.
• The absence request is approved in advance by the
employee’s Project Manager.
• The employee has enough accrued paid time off (PTO) to
cover the absence.
Unexcused absence occurs when any of the above conditions are not
met. If it is necessary for an employee to be absent or late for work
because of an illness or an emergency, the employee must call his or
her Project Manager no later than the employees scheduled starting
time on the same day. If the employee is unable to call, he or she must
have someone make the call.
An unexcused absence counts as one occurrence for the purposes of
discipline under this policy.
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