Page 11 - Rotary 3201 GML February Editon 2022
P. 11
DG Rajashekar congratulated Chair Rtn. Dr. Raja RID A.S.Venkatesh personally interacted with the Team of
Sabapathi for this outstanding project and appreciated doctors and also few of the patients and was so moved by
the dedication shown by him, his Medical Team and this experience that while appreciating the dedication of
Metropolitans towards this project. A burn incident victim the Team Ganga and Metropolis, assured his support in
not only goes through physical deformities and pain but taking this project to the next level.
also undergoes psychological problems.
Good Deeds and Good Projects automatically attract
Dr Raja Sabapathi informed that his dedicated team took attention and support - Mr.Satishkumar, Managing
care that not only the medical treatment but also a lot of Director, Milky Mist, one of the largest contributors
counseling was given to help the patient move on to a to the project was all praise for the commitment and
normal life. accountability of Rotary Club of Coimbatore Metropolis,
On this very special occasion two of the biggest Rotary being the reason for his continuous support for this project.
Pillars - RIP Sekar Mehta congratulated the members on DGN Adv.Sundaravadivelu who has been a benevolent
this super project and extraordinary achievement and TRF Donor of the project offered his felicitations. Congrats to
Trustee Ghulam Vahanvathy appreciated the outstanding President Palaliappan.S, Secretary Bhaskar and Team
work and informed that the Rotary Foundation was always Metropolis for their great achievement.
there to support such projects.
Congratulate Rotary Coimbatore Metropolis on reaching
this Milestone but their Journey is long with many more
milestones to cross on their chosen path of Service.