Page 15 - Rotary 3201 GML February Editon 2022
P. 15


                        One of the most senior and prestigious Club of the District, ably led by President Mahendra
              JAN       Pillai and Secretary Satheesh Kumar have been doing excellent service to the society through
              18        their various projects and programs. Some of them are anna dhanam – providing food for over
                        800 destitute people DAILY in and around Alwaye. Donation of fans to various institutions- Govt
                        Hospitals, Schools, Orphanages and village Offices. Supplied bed sheets to the Govt. Hospitals
                        and distributed 1000 grow bags and hydroponic farming materials to the farmers . To help the
                        students during the difficult times of the pandemic they have provided extensive support and
                        as a civic responsibility they have carried out various infra- structure developments within Aluva
                        Town. Visited their signature project - Alfa Paediatric Rehabilitation at Rotary Snehabhavan,
                        which is an excellent Paediatric Care Project. Must congratulate Team Alwaye for the outstanding
                        service they have been doing for the last 68 years and still continue to do with zeal and spirit.
                        DD Rtn. Varghese Joy, AG  Rtn. Narayanan Menon and GGR Rtn. Jijo Palanthinkal are providing
                        excellent  support to the club.

                                                                        OUR LOVELY PLANET     FEBRUARY 2022    15
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