Page 13 - Rotary 3201 GML February Editon 2022
P. 13


                        After a quick interaction with President Nisam Reham and Secretary Rakesh Rajan, We proceeded
              JAN       to Inaugurate the renovated Classroom at St Joseph School, Erunakulam along with the School
               9        Principal and PTA President. We then Inaugurated their special Project ‘Padheyam’ (Food for the
                        Needy)  at Samridhi@Kochi, a joint initiative with the  Cochin Corporation. Adv Anil Kumar, Mayor
                        of Cochin was also present there. After an excellent Club Assembly, the Evening Meeting was
                        well attended and in which 11 new members were inducted to their fold. Team Cochin Queencity
                        have been doing excellently and have assured that they will continue doing with the same vigor
                        and spirit.

                        DD Rtn. Varghese Joy, AG Rtn. Narayan Menon and GGR Rtn. Sujesh Sathyan are ably supporting
                        the Club.

                                                                        OUR LOVELY PLANET     FEBRUARY 2022    13
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