Page 17 - Rotary 3201 GML February Editon 2022
P. 17


                        We started with the Inauguration of the Renovated School Building at Madukkarai done at a cost
              JAN       of  Rs. 5,00,000/. Followed with Vellalapalayam Pond restoration with Planting of Palm trees
              22        around the Pond to control silting of the Pond. Some of the projects they have done are planting
                        of 10,000 trees at Bannari, 6 toilet blocks at Pollachi, and providing support and artificial limbs.
                        Most of the members being keen sportsmen, they have a very unique program of organizing
                        sitting Volleyball Tournament for differently able and Cricket Tournament for the Blind.
                        Really appreciate and congratulate Team Downtown for organizing these programs because
                        even the specially able people love their sports!  Their other Signature Projects are Guru Vandanam
                        and Celebrating Doctors Day. The Club Assembly was held at LA KABANA Farms, Pollachi with
                        excellent participation. Also released Benevolence 21-22- Half yearly Book of Downtown. The
                        interactive session ended with a lovely lunch at the scenic location. President Capt.Balaji along
                        with Secretary Rtn. Shyam Shankar and Team Downtown are doing great work.
                        DD Rtn. Kumaresan, AG Rtn. Ganesh Kumar and GGR Rtn. Hiten Popet are ably supporting the

                                                                        OUR LOVELY PLANET     FEBRUARY 2022    17
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