Page 19 - Rotary 3201 GML February Editon 2022
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We’re looking forward to seeing you at the Rotary
International Convention, 4-8 June 2022, in Houston,
Texas, USA. To make sure you have an exciting and
meaningful experience, you’ll receive Convention
News every two months until then with information
and tips to help you plan your visit.
You can also find the latest news at convention. increase your Rotaract knowledge, learn and share or at the official 2022 Rotary International tips and ideas, and network with Rotaractors and
Convention Facebook event page. Rotarians from around the world. Already attending?
Breakout session proposals are due soon Apply to lead a breakout session at the preconvention!
As a global network that strives to build a world where Discover New Horizons in Houston
people unite and take action to create lasting change, The Host Organization Committee is planning a great
Rotary celebrates the contributions of people of all lineup of unforgettable experiences in Houston,
backgrounds. Help us build an inclusive breakout including sports events, shopping, visits to world-class
program that celebrates Rotary’s diversity, projects, museums, a tour of the famed Space Center Houston,
and achievements. Sessions will be available in and more! Visit the committee’s site, houstonri2022.
English, Spanish, and Portuguese and will take place org, to learn about the many events that are planned
6-8 June. and to purchase tickets.
Submit your proposal online by Thursday, 30
September. If you have any questions, write to Start planning your unofficial affiliate event Make plans now to meet with members from your
The Rotary Presidential Conference Houston: district, your zone, or groups within the larger Rotary
community by organizing an unofficial affiliate event.
Serve to Bring Peace These events, held in conjunction with the convention
The presidential conference will showcase how each but outside the official program, are organized and
of Rotary’s areas of focus contributes to a more managed entirely by Rotary members. Each event’s
peaceful world. This preconvention, a capstone to organizer is responsible for all costs associated with
the six presidential conferences across the globe, will the event, including, but not limited to, catering, audio
feature inspirational speakers, practical breakout visual equipment, security, transportation, and venue
sessions, and networking opportunities that will build rental.
awareness of Rotary and our contribution to peace. It To have your event listed, complete the submission
will inspire Rotarians, Rotaractors, and Rotary Peace form. A calendar of these events will be posted on
Fellows to deepen their engagement with Rotary’s early next year and added to
peacebuilding programs, initiatives, and activities. the Rotary Events app in May. For more information
Rotaract Preconvention, 3-4 June 2022 - The Rotaract about planning an affiliate event, write to uae@rotary.
Preconvention offers you an exciting opportunity to org.