Page 55 - Magazine 07 Of June 2024_Neat
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Baptistery - 2024 │ Message from Different Students
Life Purpose to lessen other people’s misery.
“Service to others should be
sincere and done from the heart;
only then it is fruitful.” Do any
trees eat their own fruit? No. This
our life purpose consists NSANZIMANA Enock, S6MCB; DUKUZIMANA Eric, S6MCB; teaches us that human beings
of the central motivating should not only use their mind,
aims of your life the Where do I belong? Belonging body and speech for themselves,
Yreasons you get up in the is a fundamental need for our but also to serve others. When
morning. sense of happiness and well- you do this, nature in turn will
being. reward you.
Purpose can guide life decisions,
influence behavior, shape goals, When do I feel fulfilled? Feeling The purpose of life is to share
offer a sense of direction, and fulfilled comes through giving of each second as if it were the last
create meaning. oneself. People feel their lives with friends and family, to help
matter by giving back, sharing and serve others from the heart,
For some people, purpose is their experiences, or making a to grow and evolve as a good
connected to vocation meaningful, difference in their communities. person, to become your best
satisfying work. For others, their So, it doesn't matter how old version and to give the best of
purpose lies in their responsibilities or wealthy someone is; you can yourself always for the world.
to their family or friends. Others change your life today to feel
seek meaning through spirituality fulfilled.
or religious beliefs. Some people
may find their purpose clearly The three questions we have just Be the
expressed in all these aspects of answered are complementary, so
life purpose will be accomplished
life. when the owner is happy, after reason of
he/she belong and when she/he someone’s
Purpose will be unique for knowing who she/he is, where
everyone; what you identify as
your path may be different from feel fulfilled.
others. What’s more, your purpose smile
can actually shift and change Happiness begins from the
throughout life in response to the moment you do something for
evolving priorities and fluctuations others. Those who consistently
of your own experiences. help others, are happy, and do
not come across any obstacles
Questions that may come up when in their lives. Research indicates
you reflect upon your life purpose that they are less stressed and
are: experience improved mental
Who am I? health.Your constant inner intent
Where do I belong? should be towards helping KAMASA Moses, S4PCB
When do I feel fulfilled? others. If you are unable to do
Who am I = what is my identity? so for any reason, you can also
make sure that you do not hurt n everything, absolutely
The “answer” to “who am I” is anyone. This is an indirect way to everything we all need
our identity. Our identity is our help those around you. Ieach other, think about
all-encompassing system of how great it would feel
memories, experiences, feelings, The purpose of life is to serve if you were the reason of
thoughts, relationships, and values others. However, when doing so, someone’smile every sin-
that define who each of us is. It's you should not expect something gle day. Wouldn’t that be
the stuff that makes up a “self.” in return; your intention should be amazing? Making someone