Page 57 - Magazine 07 Of June 2024_Neat
P. 57
Baptistery - 2024 │ Message from Different Students
1. Platypus (Electroreception) Aside from the distinct five cells help the fish taste its food
senses, did you know that snakes and locate any prey nearby.
have this so-called sixth sense?
According to the international 6. African Bush Elephant
science journal Nature, hunter (Sense of Smell)
snakes like vipers, pythons, and
boas can still accurately find
their way through the dark. This
is because snakes can detect
The duck-billed platypus, along the infrared (thermal) radiation
with echidnas (ant-eaters), is emitted by the bodies of the
the only mammal that can lay animals they prey in.
eggs. In addition to this unique
ability, this animal has a highly 4. Octopus (Polarized Vision) The African bush elephant
developed sensor that can locate has the best nose, it has 2000
its prey (i.e., small invertebrates) powerful sensors in its trunk/
through electroreception. Using sniffer compared to the meager
their bill filled with sensors, the 1000 sensors found in dogs,
platypus can accurately detect and humans only have 400
the electrical impulses of their scent receptors. According
prey even in the deepest of to biological studies, African
waters. bush elephants got double
the smell-sensing genes
2. Bats (Echolocation) Aside from its flexible physique from their ancestors during
with eight powerful tentacles, species division. To be exact,
the octopus is one of the unique interestingly, elephants top the
animals because of its incredible charts based on the number of
sense of sight. smell genes with 1948, while
cows and dogs take the second
For instance, they have this so- and third spots with 1186 and
called “polarized vision” wherein 811 genes, respectively.
Bats are the creatures of it can control the amount of light
the night and they are great coming in, hence, giving it an 7. Jewel Beetles (Detect
sound navigators: an ability improved ability to see well in Presence of Fire)
called echolocation. Bats use the dark water and attack their
their mouths to produce sounds prey even at greater depth.
that will bounce off objects.
Since they are typically active 5. Catfish (Sense of Taste)
at night, they use echolocation
to search for food, locate any
changes in their flight, and find
their way in the dark.
While it is a widespread
3. Snakes (Infrared sense that everyone can feel
Radiation Detection) the presence of fire, this tiny
This fish with cat-like whiskers creature can smell and detect
has up to 175,000 taste-sensitive a burning pine tree that is ten
cells (compared to an average miles away (as compared to
person with only 10,000 an average human who can
taste buds) in its entire body. only detect at hundreds of
Moreover, along with its four feet)! There are three apparent
pairs of whiskers, these taste reasons why the jewel beetles 57