Page 58 - Magazine 07 Of June 2024_Neat
P. 58
Baptistery - 2024 │ Message from Different Students
evolved to develop this can also detect atmospheric animals make are enormous.
character-first is mainly for electromagnetic waves that Animals play a significant
food gathering, secondly is for indicate thunderstorms. role in the stability of the
ensuring the mating process, These abilities help bees environment, ecosystem,
and third is securing the health in navigating flowers and and also our lives. They
of their eggs laid in pine trees. determining whether a storm are excellent companions
is approaching. especially the tiny mammals.
8. Cavefish (Sense of
Hearing) 10. Spiders (Sensitive To The importance of animals in
Touch) general can be understood by
the simple fact that they are
the ones who have sustained
our planet. Our lives exist
because of animals. Animals
outnumber us today, too,
and we are safe as long as it
remains this way.
This animal proves the saying
“when one sense is weak, Spiders are one of the very few So, let’s love our animals and
the other senses are further animals with a hypersensitivity return their contribution to us
strengthened. ” to be true. to touch. By having massive by taking care of them.
Cavefish live in a relatively numbers of hairs (known as ________________________
pitch-black environment, so trichobothria) on their legs,
their sense of sight is nearly they can detect and trace the
functionless. However, origin of a vibration created by
its sense of hearing is an object or another animal.
substantially sensitive as it can
detect even the slightest noise 11. Mantis Shrimp “If you have
at 1 kHz (or even lower!). This (Complex Visual knowledge, let
ability helps the cavefish to System)
efficiently locate its prey and others light their
filter out unnecessary noise in
the surroundings. candles at it.”
9. Bees (Sense of Earth’s _Margaret Fuller
Magnetic Field)
Mantis shrimps have 16 “It’s not enough to
types of photoreceptors (light
detectors) that can detect love animals; we must
visible and ultraviolet (UV) actively protect and
light and are the only known preserve them. It’s our
animals to see the circularly duty and responsibility
Aside from being able to polarized light! Aside from
produce honey through the that, they can sense light depth as custodians of this
pollination of flowers, did you in one eye while independently planet.”
know that bees are incredibly moving the other.
hypersensitive that they can _Daphine Sheldrick
also sense the Earth’s magnetic In the smooth running of our
field? Aside from that, they world, the contributions which