Page 434 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 434
the existing campus demand. Using historical power density data from Mines and other sources, SBEC anticipates approximately 6.0 MW of load being added during the course of the master plan. A summary of the new loads is included in the following table. NOTES: The estimated demand for the Washington/18th Street Parking Structure includes 1. Chiller Plant 8 (CP8). 2. Buildings with “Mines Park” in the name will be on the west side of H
310.60(C)(78), using the 90°C column. If the conductors and terminations are
loads be taken at 125 percent. However, in the past Mines has requested and
The electrical calculations assume that the power factor during peak demand
with respect to the campus medium voltage system. For the purposes of this
The w/sf that was utilized in SBEC calculations is based upon historical data
The ampacity of medium voltage feeders was derived from 2017 NEC Table
buildings, most of the associated electrical load is expected to be additive to
master plan, it is assumed that a similar approach would be taken for future
provided by Mines as well as SBEC’s past experience. A 15 percent safety
buildings and existing loads are calculated at 100 percent rather than 125
received permission from the State to deviate from NEC load calculations
(2) new chiller plants. While some of these buildings will displace existing
When calculating the load within buildings, the NEC requires that existing
seventeen (17) new buildings, three (3) new parking structures, and two
is 0.87. This assumption is based on information provided by Mines and
SBEC’s past experience. factor was then added to new loads. rated for 105°C, then the conductors would have a higher ampacity. The Facilities Master Plan recommends constructing approximately Colorado School of Mines Facilities Master Plan
9.0 percent. 428