Page 439 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 439

Load by Neighborhood – Central Campus, and Chilled Water: Estimated Load
                                                                         plants as they are looped together. CP8 is only intended to serve as a backup
                                                                                                      changes as a part of this master plan. Refer to Chilled Water: Estimated Load
                                                                   CP8) in order to serve all of the Research Park neighborhood. More in depth
                                                                      investigation is required to design and control the two (and eventually three)
                                                                                    Chilled Water: Chiller Plant Capacities and Loads, Chilled Water: Estimated
                                                                              this master plan are constructed, the CP6 and CP7 loop will have very little
                                                         Estimated Load by Neighborhood – West Campus for a breakdown of CP6
                                                                                 redundancy and no backup which is why CP8 will be constructed. Refer to
                                                                                                   redundancy to the looped CP6 and CP7. CP5 is not anticipated to see any
                                              to this plant are Spruce Hall (Residence Hall VI) and the Frontiers Building
                                                                The master plan plans to connect and loop CP6 with CP7 (and eventually
                                                 (located within the Research Park neighborhood). All of the buildings that
                                                                                                anticipated to receive a new chiller plant, Chiller Plant 8 (CP8) to provide
                                                                           should one or two chillers go down at any time. Once all the buildings in
                                                                                             Research Park houses one (1) chiller plant, Chiller Plant 5 (CP5) and is
                                                       additions would remain as stand-alone cooling. Refer to Chilled Water:
                                                    currently have stand-alone cooling systems and anticipated to receive
                                                                                                                      Appendix 2:  Utilities Master Plan

                                                            and what buildings are served by it.  by Neighborhood – West Campus for more information.  by Neighborhood – Research Park more information.

                                                                      The Innovation Hub has one building that will be served by CP4 located within
                                                         analysis of the assumed diversity and operation of CP4 is recommended prior
                                                                                         Chilled Water: Estimated Load by Neighborhood – Innovation Hub for a list of
                                                                           direct expansion cooling. An alternative to this approach would be to provide
                                                               by Neighborhood – Central Campus for a breakdown of each plant and what
                                                                         Central Campus. The remaining buildings are proposed to have stand-alone
                                                 and Chiller Plant 7 (CP7). Together these chilled water plants can serve the
                                                    proposed added construction within this neighborhood. It is anticipated that
                                                                                       building and possibly back feed the General Research Laboratory. Refer to
                                                                                 (Student Innovation Hub). Direct buried distribution chilled water main from
                                                                                    this chiller plant would be provided with the construction of each additional
                                                            to adding all anticipated buildings. Refer to Chilled Water: Estimated Load
                                                                              a small chiller plant to be located within the first building to be constructed
                                              Central Campus houses two (2) chilled water plants, Chiller Plant 4 (CP4)
                                                       no modifications will be required in either plant. However, a more detailed
                                                                                                West Campus houses one (1) chilled water plant, Chiller Plant 6 (CP6). It
                                                                                                   is anticipated that this plant will have a new chiller installed in 2019. This
                                                                                                      addition would allow the plant to provide the necessary cooling for the
                         CONCLUSIONS AND
                                                                                            all the anticipated new buildings in this neighborhood.

                                                                                                           anticipated new construction. The first two buildings anticipated to be added

                                                                  buildings are served by them.

                  11.0                     COOLING
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