Page 438 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 438

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                                                            The serving electrical utility is anticipated to provide a new electrical service for the new buildings.
                                             these buildings are not on the Main Campus, they will receive dedicated building systems. It is
                                               anticipated that each building will have a dedicated variable air volume rooftop unit with direct
                                                     throughout the building. Because these buildings are to be located higher in elevation, cooler
                                                               These buildings do not apply to the calculations for the campus electrical distribution system.
                                                                                                    &RROLQJ /RDG   7RQV
                         OFF CAMPUS (EDGAR MINE)
                                          There are two (2) new buildings being planned for the Edgar Mine site in Idaho Springs. As
                                                  expansion cooling and a dedicated gas fired condensing boiler to provide hydronic heating

                                                                                                     %XLOGLQJ 8VDJH

                                                                                              ('*$5 0,1(  2IILFH  2IILFH  

                                                                                         CHILLED WATER: LOAD BY NEIGHBORHOOD – OFF CAMPUS
                                                                                                   *URVV %XLOGLQJ   $UHD   *6)

                                                        temperatures are anticipated and therefore, hydronic heat is the preferred heating source.

                                                                                                    %XLOGLQJ   1DPH  (GJDU 0LQH 8SSHU 6LWH %XLOGLQJ (GJDU 0LQH /RZHU 6LWH %XLOGLQJ  Colorado School of Mines Facilities Master Plan

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