Page 50 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 50

Academic Term
                                Faculty                                                  Faculty-Student Ratio
                                                             (Semester, Trimester)
                                                       NOT APPLICABLE

                   2.  IMPLEMENTATION

                       ⮚ Describe  the  Programs  Faculty  workload  system  including  the  administrative  and  other  quasi
                         assignments with equivalent teaching-load (ETL) and its process of equitable and fair distribution
                         of workload along the following;
                         ●  Adherence to the provision of the approved policies/guidelines on faculty Workload;
                         ●  Compatibility of specializations/experience on teaching assignments; and
                         ●  Substitution/remedial policies (whenever a faculty is on leave/on or on official business)

                              The  required  workload  of  a  faculty  member  shall  be  in  accordance  with  the  approved  workload
                       guidelines which can be earned by teaching or combination of teaching and other activities in connection with
                       research,  extension,  administrative  work,  and  other  quasi-teaching  activities.  The Dean  and  the Program
                       Chair/Department Chair determine the compatibility of specialization or experience on teaching assignments.
                       This is usually based on educational preparation and experience in the field or subject needed.

                              A workload scheme had been established to serve as a guide in assigning teaching loads as well as
                       other related duties. Faculty members are expected to carry a regular or minimum workload of 21 units of
                       teaching loads per week or 21 units of combined workload. In excess of the normal workload, a faculty shall
                       be paid excess load subject to existing rules and policies and availability of funds.

                              Whenever a faculty will go on leave or on official business, the Department Chair/Program Chair
                       should be duly notified. This will ensure that a substitute teacher or a remedial class be scheduled. In case a
                       substitute teacher is not available, a remedial class must be conducted by the faculty concern upon return to
                       work notifying the Department Chair or Program Chair and the Dean through writing about the said conduct of
                       remedial class.

                        ⮚  Describe other issues/concerns on Faculty Workload System and its implementation (if any).

                   3.  OUTCOMES
                        ⮚  Illustrate the congruence of faculty loading with compliance of faculty to all academic policies
                           such as timely submission of required academic reports.

                                     The regular or minimum workload for faculty members is 21. Faculty members were still
                              given time to do research and extension as well as production activities. The required academic
                              reports were submitted on time by the faculty members as reflected in their IPCR.

                        ⮚  Cite all activities to show that faculty are effective and efficient as a result of effective faculty
                           loading. The following instructional activities shows the effective and efficient result of effective
                           faculty loading:

                                 Faculty members were given citations, recognitions and awards for their best performance in
                         instruction, research and extension. Even though most of the faculty members were given administrative
                         designations and given more than the minimum number of course preparations, still, their performance
                         evaluation ranges from “Very Satisfactory” to “Outstanding.”

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