Page 53 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 53

c.  Example of computation
                       c.1  Evaluated Points for Qualification   -              131.28

                       c.2  Performance Rating
                             a.  QCE                              -      89.75%
                             b.  PES – 8.53 x 10                  -      85.30%
                             c.  Average Performance – 89.75 (QCE) + 85.30 (PES)       87.53

                       c.3  Total Points

                             131.28 (Qualification)   x    70%   =   91.90
                              87.53 (Performance)   x   30%   =   26.26

               10.  Consistent with one of the provisions of the ISU-BOR Resolution No. 37, s. 1998, Chain Promotion will be done by
               Campus where the vacancy/ies occur/s.  In case there is no qualified faculty in the campus where there is vacancy due
               to the minimum educational qualification prescribed in accordance with the QS, an inter-campus transfer of vacant item/s
               may be allowed.  However, such transferred vacant item will be replaced by an item (e.g., Professor 3 for non-Ph.D.
               and Assistant Professor I for non-masteral) that can be filled up by a deserving faculty in the campus where the original
               vacancy comes from.

                       The University HRMO will determine which campus will be most qualified to receive the transferred vacant
               higher item for as long as that campus has the needed replacement item and has the best qualified faculty who can
               assume the transferred vacant item.

               11. For upgrading of rank, the criteria and procedures for evaluation provided in the National Budget Circular pertaining
                   to compensation classification plan for faculty positions in the University shall be followed.


               1. The HRMO or a duly authorized representative of the University, upon approval of the President, shall cause the
               publication and posting of all vacant positions or ranks to be filled.

                     The CFSPC shall review the candidates’ credentials or documents submitted to it by the HRMO or its duly authorized
                   representative,  and  submit  a  comprehensive  evaluation  report  of  candidates  screened  for  promotion  to  the
                   President, through the UFSPB, informing the candidates of the results of the evaluation through the HRMO.

               2.  The HRMO shall post announcements of evaluation of documents for promotion in conspicuous places in all the
               Colleges in the Campus where there are vacancies within a reasonable period before the start of the evaluation.  All
               qualified faculty members are encouraged to submit documents for evaluation.  A deadline for submission of documents
               will be set.

               3.  The Campus Evaluation Committee composed of three members are knowledgeable about the application of the
               provisions of the NBC 461.  The Chairperson, who sits in the deliberation of the CFSPC, is preferably one who has
               attended the PASUC Seminar/Training on NBC 461.  It will determine the CCE points based on NBC 461 then forward
               it to the CFSPC.

               4.  The CFSPC will convene soonest after the deadline to start evaluating documents.  The Campus HRMO will forward
               copies of the QCE and PES of the faculty candidates for promotion to the Campus Evaluation Committee.

               5.  The results of the CEC shall be forwarded to the NBC 461 Committee and PASUC Zonal Center for final evaluation
               and encoding.  The Zonal Center will submit the print out to the CFSPC.

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