Page 51 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 51

                       ⮚  Cite as many best practices as you can on Parameter C such as effective and efficient faculty

                              The following are the best practices on faculty loading:

                              Loading of subjects of faculty members were congruent to the workload policies of the institution.
               Hence, the institution’s workload policies and guidelines were well implemented. Faculty members, though filled with
               administrative, research as well as extension duties, were still effective and efficient in their teaching career. These were
               reflected in the performance evaluation results of the faculty members.


                   1.  SYSTEM-INPUTS AND PROCESSES

                       ⮚  Present the BOR/BOT/CSC Approved Policies/Guidelines on
                                 a.  Merit Selection & Promotion Plan for faculty (MSPP)

                       (Excerpts from the Merit System pp. 35)
                       B.  PROMOTION

                       The Faculty Promotion System shall have the following objectives:

                       a.  To provide a system of advancement for faculty members from one position to a higher position based on
                          merit and fitness.
                       b.  To  provide  incentives  to  faculty  members  to  upgrade  their  qualifications  and  improve  their  teaching
                          effectiveness and efficiency through promotion.
                       c.  To fill up vacancy/ies in the higher faculty ranks or sub-ranks by promoting qualified and competent faculty
                          members below the vacant ranks or sub-ranks.
                       d.  To  guarantee  and  safeguard  the terms  and  conditions  of  their  employment,  career  progression  and

                              The promotion shall apply to all faculty members holding permanent plantilla positions who are in
                       active service, on study leave, sabbatical leave, on local or foreign scholarship, on training grant, on maternity
                       leave, or on extended leave without pay.  It will cover all faculty members who are presently occupying the
                       following academic ranks:

                          ▪   Professor (sub-ranks I-VI)
                          ▪   Associate Professor (sub-ranks I-V)
                          ▪   Assistant Professor (sub-ranks I-IV)
                          ▪   Instructor (sub-ranks I-III)

                       1.  A faculty member may be considered for promotion to a higher faculty rank/sub-rank on the basis of the
                          minimum requirements (education, training and scholarship grants) of the position, including performance
                          rating of at least Very Satisfactory during the last two (2) rating periods.

               2.  In  cases  where  the  competence  and  qualification  of  two  or  more  faculty  members  are  comparatively  at  par,
                   preference shall be given to the candidate in the department where the vacancy exists.

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