Page 54 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 54

6. Before the CFSPC will transfer the results of the evaluation of documents to the proper form (FPE Form 1) and the
               ranking prepared, faculty members may be allowed to clarify their points.  No additional document, will, however, be
               accepted after the deadline.  (Note:  FPE means Faculty Promotion Evaluation).

               7. The QCE and PES quantitative ratings of the faculty candidates will be summarized in the prescribed form (FPE Form
               2) by the CFSPC.  The performance points will then be added to the CCE points to get the total points.  From the total
               points, ranking per faculty rank and sub-rank will be prepared and summarized in the proper form (FPE Form 3).  The
               result of evaluation and ranking will be forwarded to the Campus Faculty Selection and Promotions Committee (CFSPC).

               8. The CFSPC will review and deliberate on the results of evaluation and ranking and determine those who will be
               promoted.  The list of faculty to be promoted will be summarized in the proper form (FPE Form 4).

               9. The result of evaluation and ranking will be posted in all the colleges of the campus where the vacancy exist, for
               information and rectification, if ever, there are, of all concerned faculty members. All promotional appointments, including
               the upgrading/reclassification of positions/ranks, shall be posted in conspicuous places throughout the Isabela State
               University  to  enable  aggrieved  parties  to  file  their  protest  within  fifteen  (15)  days  from  the  date  of  notice  of  the
               10. The HRMO will prepare the Certification (FPE Form 5) of promoted faculty members to   be signed by the members
               of the CFSPC; and the summarized data of vacancies to be filled up by the promoted faculty members (FPE Form 6).

               11. The output of the CFSPC will be endorsed by the Campus Executive Director/Campus Head to the University Faculty
               Selection and Promotion Board for final review and recommendation to the University President for approval.

               12. The list of promoted faculty members including the supporting documents will be submitted to the Board of Regents
               for confirmation.

               a.       The  following  Faculty  Recruitment  and  Screening  (FRS)  Forms  must  be  filled  up  and  accomplished  as
               supporting documents.

                          a.  FRS Form 1 – Panel Interview Rating Form
                          b.  FRS Form 2 – Subject Specialist and Professional Education Representatives
                                            Rating Form for Demonstration Teaching
                          c.  FRS Form 3 – Student Evaluation Rating Form for Demonstration Teaching
                          d.  FRS Form 4 – Evaluation Summary and Ranking Form

               14.   Promotion of all candidates occupying sub-ranks within a rank will be based on the most ranking using the results
                     of the latest evaluation of both qualifications and performance.

               15.  In case the total points of the highest ranking (CCE points and performance rating) faculty in a campus where the
                     vacancy exists is way below the total points of a faculty or faculty members in other campuses, the vacancy will
                     be given to the highest ranking faculty from another campus and the next ranking faculty members from all the
                     campuses will be chain promoted to the position subsequently vacated.  What will be given to the highest ranking
                     faculty in the campus where the vacancy originally exists will be the vacated faculty rank which is higher than
                     his/her present faculty rank.

               16.   A faculty candidate who is not next-in-rank may be promoted instead of one who is next-in-rank for as long as the
                     former possesses higher ranking in terms of qualifications and performance.  However, in order to create more
                     vacancies, a faculty candidate presently occupying a sub-rank of a rank (e.g., Associate Professor 1) is given a
                     priority to a higher sub-rank of the same rank (e.g., Associate Professor 2) over a candidate coming from a lower
                     rank (e.g., Assistant Professor 4) even if the latter has a higher points for as long as the Comparatively at Par
                     point difference is not more than 3, provided further that the latter faculty will also be promoted (e.g., to Associate
                     Professor 1).

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