Page 55 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 55

17. The HRMO will prepare the promotional appointments of promoted faculty members for signature of the President,
               copy furnished the Civil Service Commission Provincial Office.

                                 b.  Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) for Faculty

                              With the Revised Policies on Performance Evaluation System enunciated under CSC Resolution
                       1200481 and CSC MC No. 6, S. 2012, the Isabela State University adopts the Performance Evaluation System
                       to be referred to as the Isabela State University Performance Evaluation System (ISUPES).


                       1.  The Isabela State University Strategic Performance Management System adheres to the principles of
                          performance-based security of tenure. It provides motivation and basis for incentives to performers and
                          applies sanctions to non-performers.

                       2.  The  Isabela  State  University  Strategic  Performance  Management  System  operates  on  shared
                          commitments  and  objective  measures  of  performance  results.  Performance  targets  and  standards  of
                          measures of results are planned and agreed upon by management, supervisor and employees.

                       3.  The Isabela State University Strategic Performance Management System enhances productivity by using
                          performance targets and standards attuned to organizational goals and mandate.

                       4.  The Isabela State University Strategic Performance Management System recognizes the role of Multi-
                          stakeholders  in  the  objective  assessment  and  feedbacking  on  individual  employee’s  performance.  It
                          utilizes  the  cross-rating  system,  promotes  transparency  and  provides  mechanism  for  appeals  and
                          resolution of conflicts and/or disagreements.

                       5.  This Strategic Performance Management System shall be an integral part of the personnel program of the
                          University which will use the SPMS as the standards for Measurement.

                       6.  Integration of the provision of Section 5 of A.O. 241 which is the output based performance.
               (From Faculty Manual pp. 56)



                       The  Civil  Service  Commission  as  the  central  human  resource  management  agency  of  the  Philippine
               bureaucracy is constitutionally mandated to adopt measures to promote morale, efficiency, integrity, responsiveness
               and courtesy in the civil service.  It is likewise tasked to institutionalize a management climate conducive to public

                       With the Revised Policies on Performance Evaluation System enunciated under CSC Resolution 1200481
               and CSC MC No. 6, S. 2012, the Isabela State University adopts the Performance Evaluation System to be referred to
               as the Isabela State University Performance Evaluation System (ISUPES).


                       The Isabela State University is a pioneering and dynamic institution of higher learning mandated to deliver
               academic,  research,  development,  extension  and  production  undertakings  with  the  end  goal  of  addressing  the
               development needs in the countryside in region II.  As a government line agency and a service provider, the university

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