Page 57 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
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                       The SPMS is focused on linking individual performance vis-à-vis the agency’s organizational vision, mission
               and strategic goals.  It is envisioned as a technology composed of strategies, methods and tools for ensuring fulfilment
               of the functions of the offices and its personnel as well as for assessing the accomplishments.
                       It is a mechanism that ensures that the employee achieves the objectives set by the organization and the
               organization on the other hand, achieves the objectives that it has set itself in its strategic plan.


                   7.  The  Isabela  State  University  Strategic  Performance  Management  System  adheres  to  the  principles  of
                       performance-based security of tenure. It provides motivation and basis for incentives to performers and applies
                       sanctions to non-performers.
                   8.  The Isabela State University Strategic Performance Management System operates on shared commitments
                       and objective measures of performance results. Performance targets and standards of measures of results are
                       planned and agreed upon by management, supervisor and employees.
                   9.  The  Isabela  State  University  Strategic  Performance  Management  System  enhances  productivity  by  using
                       performance targets and standards attuned to organizational goals and mandate.
                   10.  The  Isabela  State  University  Strategic  Performance  Management  System  recognizes  the  role  of  Multi-
                       stakeholders in the objective assessment and feed backing on individual employees’ performance. It utilizes
                       the  cross-rating  system,  promotes  transparency  and  provides  mechanism  for  appeals  and  resolution  of
                       conflicts and/or disagreements.
                   11.  This Strategic Performance Management System shall be an integral part of the personnel program of the
                       University which will use the SPMS as the standards for Measurement.
                   12.  Integration of the provision of Section 5 of A.O. 241 which is the output based performance.

                   Isabela State University Strategic Performance Management System aims:

                       1.  To continuously foster improvements of employee performance and efficiency;
                       2.  To enhance organizational effectiveness and productivity;
                       3.  To  provide  an  objective  performance  rating  which  serves  as  basis  for  personnel  actions,  incentives,
                          rewards and administrative sanctions;
                       4.  To concretize the linkages of agency’s overall performance with the Organizational Performance Indicator
                          Framework, the Agency and Strategic Plan;
                       5.  To ensure organizational effectiveness by cascading institutional accountabilities to the various levels of
                          the organization anchored on the establishment of scientific basis for performance targets and measures;
                       6.  To link performance management with other HR systems using one platform, that is, only one basis shall
                          be used in performance evaluation, HR planning and interventions, rewards and incentives, disciplines
                          and personnel actions;
                       7.  To improve office and individual performance through a systematic approach via an ongoing process of
                          establishing  strategic  performance  objectives,  measuring  performance,  and  collecting,  analyzing,
                          reviewing, and reporting performance data; and
                       8.  To align individual and Office performance goals with the organization’s strategic goals/vision putting
                          premium on performance results of the CSC.


                         The Isabela State University Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) applies to all first, second and
               third level employees under permanent, temporary, casual, contractual and contract of services.

               RATING PERIOD

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