Page 52 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
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3. The filing and pendency of an administrative case against a faculty member shall not constitute a disqualification
from promotion.
4. Promotion within six (6) months prior to compulsory retirement shall not be allowed, except as otherwise provided
by law.
5. Positions belonging to the closed career system are exempted from the three-salary grade limitation on promotion.
6. A faculty member who is on local or foreign scholarship or training grant or on maternity leave or on secondment
may be considered for promotion.
7. A faculty may be promoted to a position involving not more than six (6) salary pay or job grades higher than the
faculty’s present position, except in very meritorious cases as may be justified by the University President. This
policy is in conformity with the “No Quantum Leap” policy – a quality standard which shall limit promotions not
exceeding six (6) sub-ranks or the highest sub-rank of the next higher rank. (Amended under Board Res. 70, s.
For this purpose, the performance ratings to be considered shall be the two ratings immediately prior to the
scholarship or training grant or maternity leave or secondment.
If promoted, the effectivity date of the promotional appointment, including those on secondment, shall be after the
scholarship or training grant or maternity leave or upon assumption to duty.
8. All faculty members considered for promotion will be evaluated based on the guidelines and factors prescribed
under NBC 461 CCE and/or other issuances for faculty evaluation.
1. Factors to be considered shall be the following:
a. Qualifications
a.1 Education – shall refer to the relevant highest academic degree earned within the rating period.
a.2 Experience – shall refer to academic and related professional experience/s acquired within the rating
a.3 Professional Development, Achievements and Honors – shall refer to Item 3.0 in the PASUC Common
Criteria for Evaluation under NBC 461.
b. Performance
b.1 The performance of the faculty for one (1) rating period immediately preceding the evaluation.
b.2 In the case of faculty members who went on study leave, sabbatical, maternity leave, vacation or sick leave
and the like, the last rating period immediately prior to their leaves will be used either if they have just
returned or are still on leave during the time of evaluation for promotion.
The evaluation instruments to be used in the promotion shall be the following:
a. Qualifications – the PASUC Common Criteria for Evaluation (CCE) under NBC 461 with strict observance of
the point limits in applicable items like education, experience, trainings, seminars, expert services, etc.
b. Performance – the average of performance for one rating period using:
b.1 QCE under NBC 461 – 50% of the quantitative rating (not the adjective rating) will be considered;
b.2 CSC PES – 50% of the numerical (not the adjective) rating transmuted to 100% by multiplying it by 10;
b.3 Only those with at least Very Satisfactory performance rating will be considered for promotion.
19 | Page- OBQA-PPP / Area II: The Faculty/BPA