Page 10 - How Changing Your Anger Can Help You Be a Better Parent book
P. 10
Truths of Your Anger
Anger is an inevitable emotion that all people experience that is both a feeling and a form of
You have beliefs about anger you’ve learned when and how to express and interpret your anger
and the anger of others. Sometimes you may make excuses and blame others for the destructive
outcome of your anger.
Many people have learned to somehow excuse themselves when angry and believe they are not
out of control. As a result, you may believe that you should not be held accountable for your anger
and how it impacts others.
When you’re angry you may satisfy your needs and feelings above your commitment to maintain
safety in your relationship with your child.
You have the power to learn more effective ways to understand and express your anger. You’re
able to break destructive family legacies and be able to intentionally model healthier approaches
with your child.
There are often patterns in your relationship with your child around expressing anger. After you
recognize your anger patterns and your relationships, you are then in a better position to change
those patterns.
Healthy parenting does not mean that you can’t get angry. Healthy families deal with anger and
conflicts in healthier ways.
Your expression of your anger is your choice. Do you have the power to make healthier choices?