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P. 80
Sc22202 Supplementary Science
Supplemental Courses Science and technology Learning Area
Secondary 2 Semester 2 Time Allocation 40 hours, 1 credits
Describe the structure of an atom and learn about the methods and discoveries of Rutherford.
Compare the structures of the first twenty elements of the Periodic Table. Describe trends in groups and
periods. Talk about the contribution of scientists. Describe the reactivity of metals with oxygen, water and
dilute acids. Explore and understand the reactivity series. Give examples of displacement reactions. Explain
how to prepare some common salts by the reactions of metals and metal carbonates and be able to write
word equations for these reactions. Give an explanation of the effects of concentration, particle size,
temperature and catalysts on the rate of a reaction. Describe electrostatics and the concept of charge,
including digital sensors. Interpret and draw simple parallel circuits. Model and explain how common types
of components, including cells (batteries), affect current. Explain how current divides in parallel circuits.
Measure current using ammeters and voltage using voltmeters, including digital meters. Explain that
pressure is caused by the action of a force on an area. Determine densities of solids, liquids and gases.
Explain pressures in gases and liquids (qualitative only). Know that forces can cause objects to turn on a
pivot and understand the principle of moments. Learning and make for the science project by use the
material and stuff that can found in daily life. Observe and learning about science and technology at
Science Exhibition.
by using investigative process for seeking knowledge and scientific processes; understanding
process, Thinking Capacity Practical Process, group/pair work process and communicating acquired
knowledge that could be applied for useful purposes
in order to build the 21 century skills such as reading, writing, arithmetic, critical thinking and
problem solving, creativity and innovation, cross-cultural understanding, collaboration teamwork and
leadership, communications information and media literacy, computing and ICT literacy, career and learning
skill, compassion. And the desirable characteristics of love of nation, religion and king, Honesty and integrity,
Self-discipline, Avidity for learning, Observance of principles of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in one’s
way of life, Dedication and commitment to work, Cherishing Thai-ness, Public-mindedness and Health and
aesthetic images.
Learning Outcome
1. Describe the structure of an atom and learn about the methods and discoveries of Rutherford.
2. Compare the structures of the first twenty elements of the Periodic Table
3. Describe trends in groups and periods
4. Talk about the contribution of scientists.
5. Describe the reactivity of metals with oxygen, water and dilute acids.
6. Explore and understand the reactivity series
7. Give examples of displacement reactions
8. Explain how to prepare some common salts by the reactions of metals and metal carbonates and
be able to write word equations for these reactions
9. Give an explanation of the effects of concentration, particle size, temperature and catalysts on the
rate of a reaction
10. Describe electrostatics and the concept of charge, including digital sensors