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                                               Sc22201 Supplementary Science

               Supplemental Courses                                         Science and technology Learning Area
               Secondary 2 Semester 1                                         Time Allocation 40 hours, 1 credits

                    Explore how plants need carbon dioxide, water and light for photosynthesis in order to make biomass
               and oxygen. Describe the absorption and transport of water and mineral salts in flowering plants. Identify
               the  constituents  of  a  balanced  diet  and  the  functions  of  various  nutrients.  Understand  the  effects  of
               nutritional deficiencies. Recognise the organs of the alimentary canal and know their functions. Understand
               the function of enzymes as biological catalysts in breaking down food to simple chemicals. Recognise and
               model  the  basic  components  of  the  circulatory  system  and  know  their  functions.  Understand  the
               relationship between diet and fitness. Discuss how conception, growth, development, behaviour and health
               can be affected by diet, drugs and disease. Recognise the basic components of the respiratory system and
               know their functions. Define and describe aerobic respiration, and use the word equation. Explain gaseous
               exchange. Describe the effects of smoking. Discuss the physical and emotional changes that take place
               during adolescence. Describe the human reproductive system, including the menstrual cycle, fertilisation
               and foetal development. Calculate average speeds, including through the use of timing gates. Interpret
               simple distance/time graphs. Describe the properties of magnets. Recognise and reproduce the magnetic
               field pattern of a bar magnet. Construct and use an electromagnet. Learning and make for the science
               project by use the material and stuff that can found in daily life. Observe and learning about science
               and technology at Science Exhibition.
                       by  using  investigative  process  for  seeking  knowledge  and  scientific  processes;  understanding
               process,  Thinking  Capacity  Practical  Process,  group/pair  work  process  and  communicating  acquired
               knowledge that could be applied for useful purposes
                       in order to build the 21 century skills such as reading, writing, arithmetic, critical thinking and
               problem  solving,  creativity  and  innovation,  cross-cultural  understanding,  collaboration  teamwork  and
               leadership, communications information and media literacy, computing and ICT literacy, career and learning
               skill, compassion. And the desirable characteristics of love of nation, religion and king, Honesty and integrity,
               Self-discipline, Avidity for learning, Observance of principles of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in one’s
               way of life, Dedication and commitment to work, Cherishing Thai-ness, Public-mindedness and Health and
               aesthetic images.

               Learning Outcomes
                  1. Explore how plants need carbon dioxide, water and light for photosynthesis in order to make biomass and
                  2. Describe the absorption and transport of water and mineral salts in flowering plants
                  3. Identify the constituents of a balanced diet and the functions of various nutrients.
                  4. Understand the effects of nutritional deficiencies
                  5. Recognise the organs of the alimentary canal and know their functions.
                  6. Understand the function of enzymes as biological catalysts in breaking down food to simple
                  7. Recognise and model the basic components of the circulatory system and know their functions.
                  8. Understand the relationship between diet and fitness.
                  9. Discuss how conception, growth, development, behaviour and health can be affected by diet, drugs and
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