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P. 335
EN31203 Reading and Writing English
Supplementary Subject Learning Area of Foreign
Languages Secondary 4 Semester 1 Time Allocation 40 hours 1 credit
In this course, students will develop the foundational reading and writing skills to think critically
and function effectively. Students will be able to use a range of strategies, including accurate decoding of
text, to read for meaning. Understand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from texts
and use quotation and reference text. Furthermore, students will engage with, and understand, textual and
graphical information in various formats, and learn how to assess reading content in terms of accuracy,
authority, and relevance. Finally, through independent novel study, students will progress from a personal
interaction with a story, to an interaction rooted in a beginning level of literary analysis. In addition to the
development of reading and writing skills, students will improve their listening and speaking skills through
structured group work and class discussion
This course focuses on the students’ English proficiency with a primary emphasis on the speaking
and writing skills through lectures by the teacher; collaborative learning groups; student-led facilitation of
topics; online learning; games; and activities in order to allow students to develop themselves to their
highest potentiality. Throughout the course, students should be able to use English language skills in seeking
knowledge and enjoyment, including ability to use technology, thinking and problem solving to become
well-rounded and fully developed in all respects - physical, intellectual, emotional and social and develop
thinking skills toward the 21st century.
The course also enables students to instill the desirable characteristics, including love of nation,
religion and king, honesty and integrity, self -discipline, avidity for learning, observe of principles of
Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in one’s way of life, dedication and commitment to work, cherishing Thai-
ness, public mindedness and be healthy and well-balanced.
Learning Outcomes
1. Give an opinion at discourse level on a range of general and curricular topics.
2. Interact with peers to negotiate classroom tasks.
3. Understand the main points in texts on a limited range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics,
including some extended texts.
4. Develop language using skills and competence to identify relevant information and select correct
details in various types of exams.
5. Compose, edit and proofread written work at text level, with some support, on a range of general
and curricular topics.
6. Use a range of questions, using a range of different tense and modal forms, on a range of general
and curricular topics.
7. Recognize the attitude or opinion of the writer on a limited range of unfamiliar general and curricular
topics, including some extended texts.
8. Ask questions to clarify meaning on a wide range of general and curricular topics.
9. Employ skimming and scanning skills to locate the information required.
10. Identify the main idea, analyze the essence, interpret and express opinions from listening to and
reading texts.
Total: 10 learning outcomes
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