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P. 339
EN31211 Creative English and Communication
Supplementary Subject Learning Area of Foreign Languages
Secondary 4 Semester 1 Time Allocation 40 hours 0.5 credit
The learning area of this course is to use topic-related vocabulary to develop students’ speaking,
listening, reading, and writing skills. This course concentrates on speaking and language development. It
includes sophisticated techniques to develop communication and creative composition skills. Also,
vocabulary development, presentations and impromptu speaking will be an on-going part of the course.
Moreover, students will be able to acquire a favourable attitude towards foreign languages for
communicating in various situations. Furthermore, students will be able to speculate everyday situations
and express ideas. The students will be able to take a project-based approach to learning and incorporate
life skills such as teamwork, critical thinking, leadership, and problem solving. Use appropriate speaking skills,
strategies, and language to convey and construct meaning during interactions. Express their opinions
assertively in a respectful manner and boost their speaking abilities and confidence by gaining audience
By using the process of thinking capacity, communication capacity, problem-solving capacity, and
capacity for applying life skills, the students improve themselves and become better generally. The students
would develop vital skills in analysis, problem-solving by going through the processes of developing the
knowledge acquired with the lesson and use these skills in daily life situations. In completion of these
courses’ students will thus have knowledge of conversational English, creative writing, active reading,
listening and develop their thinking skills towards the 21st century.
To develop the students’ desirable characteristics such as love of nation, religion, and king, honesty
and integrity, self-discipline, avidity for learning, observance of principles of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy
in one’s way of life, dedication, and commitment to work, cherishing Thai-ness, public-mindedness and be
health and well-balanced in general while learning the lesson.
Learning Outcomes
1. Produce accurate vocabulary and correct word forms.
2. Present ideas that clearly communicate the intended meaning and content.
3. Develop coherent arguments, supported when necessary, by reasons.
4. Explain and justify point of view.
5. Explain advantages and disadvantages of ideas, plans and arrangements.
6. Determine the meaning of words as they are used in the text figurative, connotative or technical
7. Deliver an effective oral presentation and debating skills effectively
8. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or
explanation presented.
9. Pronounce English Correctly and intelligibly.
10. Use appropriate word stress, sentence stress and elementary intonation patterns; speak
intelligibly while making statements, asking questions, giving instructions and commands,
reporting events.
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