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P. 365
EN32210 Research in English
Supplementary English Learning Area of Foreign Languages
Secondary 5 Semester 2 Time Allocation 20 hours 0.5 credit
The learning area of this course is aimed at assisting students in demonstrating researching, reading,
writing and speaking skills through learning recounts based on a Novel called “Because of Winn Dixie. The
students will be able to read, enjoy and discuss a story and identify characters, setting, plot and theme by
beginning to infer meanings and understanding the genre of the book from the chosen novel. At the same
time they will be able to find the information efficiently from the story and stress on grammar and
vocabulary from the text. Students will thus have knowledge and understanding of stories and cultural
diversity of the world community, and be able to creatively convey Thai concepts and culture to the global
The teaching procedures introduced in this course focus on the language learning process; lectures
by the teacher; collaborative learning groups; student-led facilitation of topics; online learning; games; and
activities in order to allow students to develop themselves to their highest potentiality. By using the process
of thinking capacity, communication capacity, problem-solving capacity and capacity for applying life skills,
the students improve themselves and become better generally. The students would develop vital skills in
analysis, problem-solving by going through the processes of developing the knowledge acquired with the
lesson and use these skills in daily life situations and develop their thinking skills towards the 21st
The course also enables students to instill the desirable characteristics, including love of nation,
religion and king, honesty and integrity, self -discipline, avidity for learning, observe of principles of
Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in one’s way of life, dedication and commitment to work, cherishing Thai-
ness, public mindedness and be healthy and well-balanced.
Learning Outcomes
1. Understand specific information in texts.
2. Produce accurate vocabulary and correct word forms.
3. Deduce the meaning from context.
4. Present ideas that clearly communicate the intended meaning and content.
5. Recognize the language and styles used in various writing genres.
6. Recognize the attitude or opinion of the writer.
7. Brainstorm, plan and draft written work at text level.
8. Develop coherent arguments, supported when necessary by reasons.
9. Explain and justify their own point of view.
10. Determine the meaning of words as they are used in the text figurative, connotative or technical
11. Deliver an effective oral presentation and debating skills effectively
12. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or
explanation presented.
Total: 12 learning outcomes
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