Page 29 - PMAD 2023 eBook
P. 29
Juan Polito Farias
Program Details Product Development,
Training and Technical Consulting Head
Putting our customers first
Making your customers feel satisfied communications with his team and “Juan Polito has always been an
and supported with your products through these new experiences 20 years of experience in ASSA ABLOY
outstanding co-worker, with over
2022 Winners to building a positive brand identity. “I believe that I will never stop Mexico. His extensive technical
in their hands is absolutely crucial
makes him a stronger worker and
acumen has made a name for
When Juan Polito Farias, Product
himself in the Mexican market. He
Development, Training and Technical
learning, and in these 20 years
has also been a team reference with
Consulting Head at ASSA ABLOY
Mexico, gets to work every day,
I continue to develop and prepare
others, always eager to help and to
his mission is to “provide support, I’ve been working for ASSA ABLOY outstanding drive that motivates
myself to become a better person
confidence, comfort, and safety to and employee. I am very grateful collaborate on different projects.
all our customers with ASSA ABLOY to each and every person at He is a resourceful individual,
products.” ASSA ABLOY.” participating with locksmiths
Juan Polito works in the customer These technical and interpersonal nationwide, or even managing the
service realm, specifically dealing skills have made Juan Polito a launch of a new line of key blanks.
with the development and difference-maker in his colleagues’ We are definitely a better team with
verification of performance for eyes. Leonardo Zúñiga, Sales & Juan Polito!”
new products. Making sure new Marketing Director, ASSA ABLOY Outside of work, you can find Juan
products are up to a company’s Mexico, was quick to recognize him Polito making a difference at home,
standards is always challenging, but as a notable reference in the industry. teaching “confidence, security,
in Juan Polito’s eyes, everything respect, and values” to his family.
he learns and teaches through
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