Page 28 - PMAD 2023 eBook
P. 28

Joel Olvera

    Program Details          Production Supervisor
                             M A K E S  A  DIFFER ENCE

                             Electromechanical Solutions Group

                             Setting up systems for success

                             Effective systems produce consistent    However, even with his highly           “Before LifeSafety Power joined
                             success across many different areas of   optimized systems in place, Joel       ASSA ABLOY, I had the opportunity
        2022 Winners         people behind crafting these systems    as the team implementing them. He       inventory department as well as
                                                                                                             to create, organize, and run the
                             life and business – which makes the
                                                                     realizes that outputs are only as good
                                                                     makes time to ensure that he and his
                                                                                                             the receiving department, which
                             especially critical, whether it be in
                                                                                                             started with only 2 people. The task
                                                                     team are always on the same page to
                             the professional world or beyond.
                             For Electromechanical Solutions
                                                                     keep things safe and efficient.
                                                                                                             was not easy, starting from scratch
                             Group, Production Supervisor Joel
                                                                                                             warehouses, but a few years later the
                             Olvera is tasked with optimizing        “I manage a talented team and           and moving twice to different
                                                                     conduct communication between
                             the manufacturing process – a           employees and senior executives         inventory department had grown to
                             responsibility he dedicates himself     to ensure procedures and policies       8 people and was fully organized. I
                             to every day.                           are well-understood and ensure          eventually had the opportunity to
                             “As a Production Supervisor, Iensure    compliance with safety and              open a second shift, which started
                             that all manufacturing goes smoothly    professional standards within           with 15 people, and I began training
                             and efficiently by closely monitoring   the facility.”                          employees for the technical and
                             how employees organize their            This harmonious environment was         quality departments. In the first
                             workflows to ensure optimum             not created overnight. Joel has been    7 months, we had a growth of
                             efficiency. This includes monitoring    working for years to build the team     300% in our second shift workforce.
                             and prioritizing tasks to meet          into the powerhouse it is today and it   Implementing the second shift is one
                             production goals and achieve a          is something he takes great pride in.   of my proudest achievements.”
                             high output.”

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