Page 23 - PMAD 2023 eBook
P. 23
Gloria Santos
Program Details Cell Leader, Bored Lock
Sargent Manufacturing Company
Keeping it all together
The manufacturing process Gloria runs an efficient line and for ways to improve the department.
is complicated and complex, partially credits that to the open lines She has recommended co-workers to
2022 Winners This makes difference-makers at the “We are a united team. We feed off She always has the customers’ best
implementing many different
management for leadership positions.
of communication she and her team
have been able to establish with
processes with little room for error.
interests in mind and has caught
each other.
many paperwork mistakes where
helm of manufacturing departments
critical, keeping everything in sync.
the customer may have received
Gloria Santos, Cell Leader, Bored Lock
willing to help one another and
an asset to the bored lock team and
at Sargent Manufacturing Company is each other’s opinions. We are always the incorrect product. She is truly
others, including other departments.”
one of these people. Sargent family.”
Gloria’s commitment to
Gloria’s responsibilities on the improvement and selflessness When she isn’t strengthening her
manufacturing line vary widely, has caught the attention of those work community, Gloria spends
covering every aspect of the around her, specifically, Andy Thayer, her time strengthening her local
manufacturing process, from the Profit Center General Manager, community throughout the New
technical to the interpersonal. Sargent Manufacturing Company, and Haven area.
“My typical workday starts with Mike Vigneux, Production Manager, “I am part of a non-profit organization
making sure the production line has Sargent Manufacturing Company, called HOPE ss. We go around the
proper material to run, followed by who took time to highlight some city giving out hot lunches to those
order paperwork, and then making of her achievements and strengths. less privileged. I find that it keeps me
sure all of the tasks and work are “Gloria exemplifies what you want in a humble and grateful.”
delegated to the right people.” leadership role. She is always looking
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