Page 22 - PMAD 2023 eBook
P. 22

Gabriel Medellin

    Program Details          Production Operator
                             M A K E S  A  DIFFER ENCE

                             Maltex S.A. de C.V.

                             Making safety the priority

                             In the manufacturing industry, you’re   The key to Gabriel’s success is         “We have a great work environment,
                             only as good as your people on the      his dedication to the structure         with good colleagues and employees.
        2022 Winners         That right first impression makes       the morning, and before starting        achieve our goals. With the support
                             production floor, constructing the
                                                                                                             We support each other as a team to
                                                                     of his routine. “I arrive at 6:45 in
                             products that so many people work
                                                                                                             of Maltex, my family and I keep going.”
                                                                     my work, I do warm-up exercises
                             hard to get into customers’ hands.
                                                                     with the team to avoid injuries.
                                                                                                             When Gabriel isn’t doing Maltex
                             an impact, which is why people
                                                                     My supervisor gives me the work
                                                                     instructions, the goal of the day,
                             like Gabriel Medellin, Production
                                                                                                             you can find him doing them proud
                             Operator at Maltex S.A. de C.V.,        and my personal safety protection       proud through his day-to-day work,
                                                                                                             on the pitch, regularly playing for
                             are so important.                       equipment, which allows me to do        the Maltex soccer team. He’s fueled
                             As he starts his typical day, Gabriel’s   my work efficiently and safely. I end   through it all by his wife and four
                             eyes are already pointed toward         my shift by doing some organizing       children at home.
                             safety and efficiency for himself and   to leave my work area clean for the     “My wife and I always help with their
                             his crew as they prepare to weld and    next day.”                              schoolwork, and we enjoy playing
                             assemble medallion and glue core        In such a workspace where attention     together in the park. My family is very
                             doors that will be used by people       to detail is critical, it can be easy to   important in my life.”
                             every day.                              lose the human element, but Gabriel
                                                                     and his team have proven that this
                                                                     doesn’t need to be the case.

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