Page 19 - PMAD 2023 eBook
P. 19

Dawn Munoz

    Program Details          Sales Representative, Inside Sales
                             M A K E S  A  DIFFER ENCE

                             ASSA ABLOY Sales and Marketing Group

                             Dedicated to helping others succeed

                             Whether it be in sports, the            and know that I am here to help!        “I believe that it’s my ability to
                             professional world, or any              I provide information and ideas about   listen to and communicate with
        2022 Winners         cohesiveness is critical to             updates about the progress of           difference. I train all our new hires
                             collaborative process, team
                                                                                                             my teammates that make the
                                                                     new opportunities, and I provide
                                                                                                             on our processes in the A32 region,
                             accomplishing tasks in an ideal
                                                                     everything that my sales region, A32,
                                                                                                             and I continuously assist them with
                             and timely manner. To achieve
                                                                     is working on. I help them to organize
                                                                     their work and to formulate plans for
                                                                                                             training and support. I am available
                             this, you need people who are
                             dedicated to effective teamwork
                                                                                                             projects, research questions and
                             and empower all members to              moving forward.”                        to answer questions, talk about
                                                                     Dawn’s daily tasks, including creating
                             work at optimal efficiency.             quote lists, distributing info to       issues, and even provide support by
                             For the ASSA ABLOY Sales and            her team, and tracking products         talking and listening.”
                             Marketing Group, Dawn Munoz,            throughout their lifespan all make      When Dawn is not making a
                             Sales Representative, Inside Sales,     her team run more effectively.          difference for her team, she is making
                             is one of those people.                 But even with this, Dawn believes       a difference for her son and daughter
                             “My primary responsibility is to        it’s her people skills that make        at home – decorating, reading, and
                             help my teammates do their jobs         the biggest difference in her role,     planning trips with them.
                             as efficiently as possible by helping   especially when her team grows
                             them to be informed, be organized,      and evolves.

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